Music 11/Game

스탠리 패러블: 울트라 디럭스 ost (The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe The Complete Soundtrack)

말랑카우 ost 2022. 8. 12. 13:54

스탠리 패러블: 울트라 디럭스 ost (The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe The Complete Soundtrack)

01. Intro

02. Introducing Stanley

03. Exploring Stanley

04. Truth & Lies

05. Control

06. And Stanley Was Happy

07. Following Stanley

08. 8

09. Showing Him The Door

10. Showing Him The Door (Panic)

11. Contemplating Stanley

12. Informing Stanley

13. Creep Tower

14. Thinking Theme

15. Good Job. You’ve Made It To The Bottom of The Mind Control Facility. Well Done.

16. Anticipating Stanley

17. The Memory Zone

18. C’est la Chanson sur La Mémory Zone (en Français)

19. New New Content

20. The Stanley Parable 2

21. The End Is Never The End Again

22. Is This A Bucket

23. Stanley’s New Apartment

24. Showing Him The Bucket

25. The Bucket Destroyer Theme

26. Gambhorra’ta, Treasurer of The Profaned Vault

27. Home Sweet Home

28. The Silly Birds Observation Facility

29. But Nobody Came (not the one from undertale)

30. Stanley’s Sacrifice

31. The Infinite Hole

32. Falling Funk

33. Figurine Finder Comittee

34. The End Was Never The End

35. Epilogue

36. Leaving Stanley

37. Marketing Stanley

38. Pondering Stanley

39. The Stanley Monologue (Teaser Music)

40. Not Enough Mana... I Mean Emotion! -_- (Teaser Music)

41. Broadcasting Stanley

42. Celebrating Stanley

43. Educating Stanley

44. Narrated Wanderer (Unused)

45. IM CONFUS (Unused)

46. Ambiences

