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제노블레이드 크로니클스 디피니티브 에디션 ost (Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Complete Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2020. 6. 24.

제노블레이드 크로니클스 디피니티브 에디션 ost (Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Complete Soundtrack)

CD 1

01. Main Theme

02. Prologue A

03. An Obstacle in Our Path [Remastered]

04. Prologue B

05. Time to Fight! [Remastered]

06. Colony 9 [Remastered]

07. Colony 9 (Night) [Remastered]

08. Everyday Life

09. Hometown [Remastered]

10. Hometown (Night) [Remastered]

11. Sorrow

12. A Friend on My Mind

13. The Monado Awakens

14. Tephra Cave [Remastered]

15. Crisis

16. Apprehension

17. Memories

18. Urgency

19. Disquiet

20. Visions of the Future [Remastered]

21. Majesty

22. Intrigue

CD 2

01. Gaur Plain [Remastered]

02. Gaur Plain (Night) [Remastered]

03. In the Refugee Camp [Remastered]

04. Regret

05. Tension

06. Shadows Creeping

07. Face

08. Colony 6 - Ether Mine [Remastered]

09. Hostile Gazes [Remastered]

10. Rage, Darkness of the Heart

11. Unfinished Business

12. Colony 6 - Silence [Remastered]

13. Satorl Marsh [Remastered]

14. Satorl Marsh (Night) [Remastered]

15. Bionis' Interior (Carcass) [Remastered]

16. Forest of the Nopon [Remastered]

17. Forest of the Nopon (Night) [Remastered]

18. Frontier Village [Remastered]

19. Frontier Village (Night) [Remastered]

20. Riki the Legendary Heropon

21. Eryth Sea [Remastered]

22. Eryth Sea (Night) [Remastered]

23. Colony 6 - Rebuilding [Remastered]

CD 3

01. Alcamoth, Imperial Capital [Remastered]

02. Alcamoth (Night) [Remastered]

03. Where the Ancestors Sleep [Remastered]

04. Futures That Lie Ahead

05. Prison Island [Remastered]

06. You Will Know Our Names [Remastered]

07. Valak Mountain [Remastered]

08. Valak Mountain (Night) [Remastered]

09. Sword Valley [Remastered]

10. Sword Valley (Night) [Remastered]

11. Towering Shadow

12. Colony 6 - Hope [Remastered]

13. Galahad Fortress [Remastered]

14. Irregular Bound [Remastered]

15. Enemies Closing In [Remastered]

16. A Spiritual Place

17. The Fallen Land [Remastered]

18. The Fallen Land (Night) [Remastered]

19. Shulk and Fiora

20. Reminiscence

21. Riki's Kindness

22. Mechanical Rhythm [Remastered]

CD 4

01. Hidden Machina Village [Remastered]

02. Egil's Theme

03. Mechonis Field [Remastered]

04. The Battle is Upon Us

05. Central Factory [Remastered]

06. Agniratha, Mechonis Capital [Remastered]

07. Agniratha (Night) [Remastered]

08. Ancient Mysteries

09. Bionis' Awakening

10. Tragic Decision [Remastered]

11. Thoughts Enshrined

12. Reminiscence (Music Box)

13. Colony 6 - Future [Remastered]

14. Bionis' Interior (Pulse) [Remastered]

15. The End Lies Ahead [Remastered]

16. Engage the Enemy [Remastered]

17. Memory's End

18. Zanza's World [Remastered]

19. Zanza the Divine [Remastered]

20. The God-Slaying Sword [Remastered]

21. Once We Part Ways

22. Ending Theme - Beyond the Sky

23. Epilogue

24. Hope

CD 5

01. An Obstacle in Our Path [Original]

02. Time to Fight! [Original]

03. Colony 9 [Original]

04. Colony 9 (Night) [Original]

05. Hometown [Original]

06. Hometown (Night) [Original]

07. Tephra Cave [Original]

08. Visions of the Future [Original]

09. Gaur Plain [Original]

10. Gaur Plain (Night) [Original]

11. In the Refugee Camp [Original]

12. Colony 6 - Ether Mine [Original]

13. Hostile Gazes [Original]

14. Colony 6 - Silence [Original]

15. Satorl Marsh [Original]

16. Satorl Marsh (Night) [Original]

17. Bionis' Interior (Carcass) [Original]

18. Forest of the Nopon [Original]

19. Forest of the Nopon (Night) [Original]

20. Frontier Village [Original]

21. Frontier Village (Night) [Original]

22. Eryth Sea [Original]

23. Eryth Sea (Night) [Original]

24. Colony 6 - Rebuilding [Original]

25. Alcamoth, Imperial Capital [Original]

26. Alcamoth (Night) [Original]

27. Where the Ancestors Sleep [Original]

28. Prison Island [Original]

29. You Will Know Our Names [Original]

30. Valak Mountain [Original]

31. Valak Mountain (Night) [Original]

32. Sword Valley [Original]

33. Sword Valley (Night) [Original]

34. Colony 6 - Hope [Original]

35. Galahad Fortress

36. Irregular Bound [Original]

37. Enemies Closing In [Original]

38. The Fallen Land [Original]

39. The Fallen Land (Night) [Original]

40. Mechanical Rhythm [Original]

41. Hidden Machina Village [Original]

42. Mechonis Field [Original]

43. Central Factory [Original]

44. Agniratha, Mechonis Capital [Original]

45. Agniratha (Night) [Original]

46. Tragic Decision [Original]

47. Colony 6 - Future [Original]

48. Bionis' Interior (Pulse) [Original]

49. The End Lies Ahead

50. Engage the Enemy [Original]

51. Zanza's World [Original]

52. Zanza the Divine [Original]

53. The God-Slaying Sword [Original]

CD 6

01. Time of Battle

02. Bionis Shoulder

03. Bionis Shoulder (Night)

04. Fogbeasts

05. Gran Dell

06. Gran Dell (Night)

07. The Conduit's Demise

파일 이름 : XCDE-1.22 XCDE-2.23 XCDE-3.22 XCDE-4.24 XCDE-5.53 XCDE-6.7

