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Music 12/Movie42

베놈: 라스트 댄스 ost (Venom: The Last Dance Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 베놈: 라스트 댄스 ost (Venom: The Last Dance Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)​01. Knull's Order02. Area 51 to 5503. Venom and Eddie At The River04. Hanging Out at the Waterfall05. Newsflash06. Lab Battle07. Remember Me08. Sky Dive09. Desert Walk10. Frequent Flyers11. Strickland Reprimands Paine12. Sneaking Around13. What Are You Doing Here14. Request Permission15. Say When16. Phoning Home17. Ramping.. 2024. 11. 5.
보더랜드 ost (Borderlands Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 보더랜드 ost (Borderlands Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)​01. The Greatest Eridian Secret02. Roland Finds Tiny Tina03. Atlas Recruits Lilith04. Pandora05. Fyrestone06. Stealing Some Wheels07. Grab My Badonkadonk08. Ooh Krieg!09. Commander Knoxx10. The Crimson Lance11. Piss Wash Gully12. On The Same Side13. They Made Me Special14. Caustic Caverns15. The Second Key16. Bloodshots Attack17. Tannis O.. 2024. 10. 12.
쥬라기 월드: 도미니언 ost (Jurassic World: Dominion Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 쥬라기 월드: 도미니언 ost (Jurassic World: Dominion Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. Jurassi-logosDinow This 02. A Dinosaur In The Ranching Business 03. It's Like Herding Parasaurolophus 04. Upsy-Maisie 05. Clonely YouThe Hunters Become The Hunted 06. The Campfire In Her Soul 07. Hay Of The Locusts 08. A Sattler State Of AffairsAlan For GrantedSattler I Barely Know Her 09. The Wages of Biosyn 10.. 2022. 8. 30.
쥬라기 월드: 폴른 킹덤 ost (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 쥬라기 월드: 폴른 킹덤 ost (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. This Title Makes Me Jurassic 02. The Theropod Preservation Society 03. Maisie and the Island 04. March of the Wheatley Cavalcade 05. Nostalgia-Saurus 06. Double Cross to Bear 07. Lava Land 08. Keep Calm and Baryonyx 09. Go With the Pyroclastic Flow 10. Gyro Can You Go 11. Raiders of the Lost Isla Nublar 1.. 2022. 8. 30.
쥬라기 월드 ost (Jurassic World Complete Motion Picture Score) 쥬라기 월드 ost (Jurassic World Complete Motion Picture Score) ​ 01. 1m1 Bury the Hatchling 02. 1m2 The Family that Strays Togeth 03. 1m4a Isla Nubar We There Yet 04. 1m4b Welcome To Jurassic World 05. 1m5s The Hammond Lab Overture (So 06. 1m6-9 Does This Dino Make Jurassi 07. 1m7s It's a Small Jurassic World 08. 1m8 Claire with Kids 09. 1m10 As the Jurassic World Turns 10. 1m11a Raptor Attention 11... 2022. 8. 30.
쥬라기 공원 3 ost (Jurassic Park III Complete Motion Picture Score) 쥬라기 공원 3 ost (Jurassic Park III Complete Motion Picture Score) ​ CD 1 01. Isla Sorna Sailing Situation 02. They Were Smart 03. A Walk in the Park 04. Resonating Chamber 05. Alan Goes 06. Dinosaur Fly By 07. Whats a Bad Idea 08. Coopers Last Stand 09. We Haven't Landed Yet 10. Frenzy Fuselage 11. Clash of Extinction (Unused) 12. The Kirbys Story 13. Bone Man Ben 14. Raptor Eggs 15. The Raptor Roo.. 2022. 8. 30.
쥬라기 공원 2 - 잃어버린 세계 ost (The Lost World: Jurassic Park Complete Motion Picture Score) 쥬라기 공원 2 - 잃어버린 세계 ost (The Lost World: Jurassic Park Complete Motion Picture Score) ​ CD 1 01. Universal Logo 02. Island Prologue 03. Hammonds Plan 04. Malcolm's Journey 05. The Stegosaurs 06. Protecting Their Babies 07. Stowaway Revealed 08. Team B Arrives 09. The Capture 10. The Fallen 11. Team B Basecamp 12. Rampage 13. Someplace High 14. Eddie's Rescue and Death 15. The Trek 16. Compies App.. 2022. 8. 30.
쥬라기 공원 ost (Jurassic Park Remastered and Expanded Original Soundtrack) 쥬라기 공원 ost (Jurassic Park Remastered and Expanded Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Opening Titles 02. Incident at Isla Nublar (Film Version) 03. The Encased Mosquito 04. Entrance of Mr Hammond 05. Journey to the Island (Film Version) 06. Hatching Baby Raptor (Film Version) 07. You Bred Raptors 08. The History Lesson (Film Version) 09. Jurassic Park Gate 10. Goat Bait 11. The Saboteur 12. Ailing T.. 2022. 8. 30.
스파이더맨: 노 웨이 홈 ost (Spider-Man No Way Home Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 스파이더맨: 노 웨이 홈 ost (Spider-Man No Way Home Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. Intro to Fake News 02. World's Worst Friendly Neighbor 03. Damage Control 04. Being a Spider Bites 05. Gone in a Flash 06. All Spell Breaks Loose 07. Otto Trouble 08. Ghost Fighter in the Sky Beach Blanket Bro Down 09. Strange Bedfellows 10. Sling vs Bling 11. Octo Gone 12. No Good Deed 13. Exit Through the Lobby.. 2021. 12. 15.
베놈 2: 렛 데어 비 카니지 (Venom: Let There be Carnage Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 베놈 2: 렛 데어 비 카니지 (Venom: Let There be Carnage Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. St. Estes Reform School (Extended) 02. Cletus' Cell 03. Eddie Draws 04. Brock's Revival 05. Lucky Slaughterhouse 06. Ann's News 07. Take the Hit 08. Postcard From the Edge 09. No Touching! 10. Eddie Hangs on the Line 11. Lethal Rejection 12. Carnage Unleashed 13. Mulligan Visits Eddie 14. There is Only Carnag.. 2021. 11. 4.
베놈 ost (Venom Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 베놈 ost (Venom Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. Space Exploration 02. Symbiotes Arrive 03. First Contact 04. Eddie’s Blues 05. Run, Eddie, Run 06. What’s Wrong with Me 07. Panic at the Bistro 08. Humans… Such Poor Design 09. Self Defense 10. Pedal To The Metal 11. Eyes, Lungs, Pancreas 12. You Want Up? 13. Venom Rampage 14. Annie, I’m Scared 15. Parasite 16. Unexpected Ally 17. Battle on.. 2020. 1. 22.
사운드 오브 뮤직 ost (The Sound of Music 50th Anniversary Original Soundtrack) 사운드 오브 뮤직 ost (The Sound of Music 50th Anniversary Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Prelude / The Sound of Music 02. Overture / Preludium (Dixit Dominus) / Morning Hymn / Alleluia 03. Maria 04. I Have Confidence 05. Sixteen Going on Seventeen 06. My Favorite Things 07. Do-Re-Mi 08. The Sound of Music 09. The Lonely Goatherd 10. Edelweiss 11. Grand Waltz 12. Laendler 13. So Long, Farewell 14. Processio.. 2020. 1. 22.