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Music 27/Animation43

사이버펑크: 엣지러너 ost (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Original Series Soundtrack) 사이버펑크: 엣지러너 ost (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Original Series Soundtrack) ​ 01. Franz Ferdinand - This Fffire 02. 山岡晃 - Opening Credits 03. Marcin Przybylowicz - Modern Anthill 04. 山岡晃 - Sudden Skirmish 05. 山岡晃 - Like a Boy 06. Marcin Przybylowicz - Cloudy Day 07. 山岡晃 - Whatever It Takes 08. 山岡晃 - Into the Fire 09. Marcin Przybylowicz - Consumer Cathedral 10. P.T. Adamczyk - Juiced Up 11. 山岡晃 - Lucky .. 2023. 10. 31.
이세계 미궁에서 하렘을 ost (Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World Original Soundtrack) 이세계 미궁에서 하렘을 ost (Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Brief Description 02. Curious About You 03. Which Do You Prefer 04. The Order Of Nature 05. It's A Paradise 06. New Insights 07. His Delusion 08. Different Roles 09. Take It Easy 10. Hottest Women 11. The World Is 12. Start From Here 13. Maze 14. Backroom Dealing 15. Slavery 16. Radical Approach 17. Climax 18. G.. 2023. 5. 3.
최강 음양사의 이세계 전생기 ost (The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World Original Soundtrack) 최강 음양사의 이세계 전생기 ost (The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. 最強の陰陽師 02. 人ならず 03. 光か闇か 04. イーファ 05. 精霊たち 06. 管狐のユキ 07. 新しい世界 08. 召喚 09. 妖 10. ウルドワイト帝国 11. イーファの特訓 12. ルフトからの贈り物 13. 学園都市への旅立ち 14. 馬車酔い! 15. 魔法と陰陽五行の術 16. ロドネア魔法学園 17. 一匹狼 18. 魔法学園の日々 19. 浮き足立つ気持ち 20. 珍妙 21. 得体の知れないもの 22. 怪しい魔法陣 23. ダンジョン 24. 謎に包まれた少女 25. 帝都総合武術大会 26. 幼き日の出来事 27. 兄妹の絆 2.. 2023. 5. 3.
이세계 삼촌 ost (Uncle from Another World Original Soundtrack) 이세계 삼촌 ost (Uncle from Another World Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. About Another World 02. Chatting 03. No Tension 04. Uncle Said 05. Game World 06. Extreme Game World 07. Tempest 08. Dark Echo 09. Sense Of Urgency 10. Monochrome 11. Questionable Opponents 12. Appearance 13. By Misfortune 14. I Feel Bad 15. Go Wrong 16. Close Relationship 17. Balmy Day 18. What's Wrong 19. Umm… 20. The Beginning Ve.. 2023. 5. 3.
존 오브 디 엔더스 - Dolores, i ost 2 (Zone of the Enders Z.O.E - Dolores, i Original Score Vol.2) 존 오브 디 엔더스 - Dolores, i ost 2 (Zone of the Enders Z.O.E - Dolores, i Original Score Vol.2) ​ 01. Drunken Ballad 02. With Everyday Conditions... 03. Organ of Dolores 04. Accident 05. Battlefield 06. Light of Hope 07. One Death 08. Fragments of Thought 09. An Important Premonition 10. Departure 11. A Moment of Time 12. Bittersweet James 13. Hot Spirit 14. Riddle's Power 15. Run! Dolores! 16. Salty.. 2023. 5. 1.
존 오브 디 엔더스 - Dolores, i ost 1 (Zone of the Enders Z.O.E - Dolores, i Original Score Vol.1) 존 오브 디 엔더스 - Dolores, i ost 1 (Zone of the Enders Z.O.E - Dolores, i Original Score Vol.1) ​ 01. Zone of the Enders [tv-edit] 02. Outset drive 03. Battlefield of Destiny 04. Tyranny and Conspiracy 05. Sorrowful Competition 06. Appearing Oppressed... 07. Choice of Sadness 08. Brutal Signs of the Enemy 09. Beautiful Moment of Death 10. Lullaby of Dolores 11. Where are you 12. Magnificent Flight 13.. 2023. 5. 1.
심부름꾼 사이토 씨, 이세계에 가다 ost (Handyman Saitou in Another World Original Soundtrack) 심부름꾼 사이토 씨, 이세계에 가다 ost (Handyman Saitou in Another World Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. The Beginning Of The Day 02. Refreshing Breeze 03. He Plays The Fool 04. Saitou Said 05. Exploration 06. Unseen Object 07. Encounter The Enemy 08. It's Dark Outside 09. Spiritual Awakening 10. Tender Eyes 11. Relaxing Bonfire 12. Soft Attitude 13. Great Charm 14. Blockheadedness 15. In The End 16. Fall Into A Ho.. 2023. 4. 27.
트라이건 스탬피드 ost 2 (Trigun Stampede Original Soundtrack 2) 트라이건 스탬피드 ost 2 (Trigun Stampede Original Soundtrack 2) ​ 01. KNIVES's Piano 02. MILLIONS KNIVES - Vocal Version 03. Vash the Stampede 04. Stampede Out 05. Reborn 06. Sand Steem Ship 07. Orphanage 08. The Desert Rogue 09. Boyhood 10. NICHOLAS THE PUNISHER 11. Whom to Kill, Whom to Let Live 12. Reckless Driving 13. Time Left 14. Rollo's Ill 15. Energy of The Plant 16. Complicity 17. Dialogue 18. .. 2023. 4. 27.
트라이건 스탬피드 ost 1 (Trigun Stampede Original Soundtrack 1) 트라이건 스탬피드 ost 1 (Trigun Stampede Original Soundtrack 1) ​ 01. Immigrant Space Explorer 02. No Man's Land 03. Mystery Man 04. Ethics and Morality 05. Whistling in The Wasteland 06. JENEORA ROCK 07. Bio-Power Reactor 08. The JENEORA ROCK Resistance 09. Visitation of A Calamity 10. Childhood Memories 11. Escape 12. Hide and Seek 13. Chase 14. Might Is Right 15. Common Front 16. Looming Crisis 17. L.. 2023. 4. 27.
터무니없는 스킬로 이세계 방랑 밥 ost (Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi Original Soundtrack) 터무니없는 스킬로 이세계 방랑 밥 ost (Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. 異世界召喚 02. 異世界の心得 03. 心地いい風 04. 旅支度 05. ウソだろ… 06. 日常にスパイスを 07. たじたじ 08. 説明しよう! 09. 魔物狩り 10. うきうきクッキング! 11. うめええっ! 12. 予期せぬ出来事 13. 異世界の街並み 14. ほのぼのクッキング! 15. 幸せは唐突に 16. モンスター!? 17. 従魔契約 18. 次の目的地へ! 19. DOTABATA PANIC !! 20. ひとつまみの不服 21. 焚き火を囲んで 22. おなかいっぱい 23. 新たな出会い 24. スイ 25. 楽しい異世界旅 26. 商人ギルド 27. 冒険者ギルド 28. .. 2023. 4. 27.
하이 스코어 걸 2 ost (Hi Score Girl II Original Soundtrack) 하이 스코어 걸 2 ost (Hi Score Girl II Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. この闘いは負けられない 02. 風はどこへ向かうの 03. 静かな闘志 04. ゲーセン行こうぜ! 05. 叶わぬ恋 06. どうでもいいかな・・・ 07. プレイしようぜ 08. 晴れない心 09. skirmish 10. ちょっと、何してるの! 11. 決心 12. やまない雨 13. 優しさにあふれる日々 14. 真っ直ぐに続く道 15. 楽しい時間 16. 前へ明日へ未来へ 17. Final Battle 18. 今、会いに行く 19. 約束 20. flash ~アレンジバージョン 21. アンノウン・ワールドマップ~アレンジバージョン ​ ​ 파일 이름 : HSG2.21 2020. 11. 4.
하이 스코어 걸 ost (Hi Score Girl Original Soundtrack) 하이 스코어 걸 ost (Hi Score Girl Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. 俺より強いGIRLに会いに行く 02. たくらみ 03. マズイ... 04. 負けてたまるか!! 05. 大変! 06. ヤバい... 07. いっちょやるか! 08. 情けない... 09. プライドよりも勝利 10. 帰り道 11. What's up 12. その道はいつも行く道 13. 淡々と 14. きびしく行くぜ! 15. 今、君は何を想う 16. 淡い恋心 17. 微妙な間 18. 「...」 19. 不気味なもの 20. 大切な想い 21. 迫り来る...ハルオ 22. 楽しい矢口家、愉快な矢口家 23. 逢いたい気持ち 24. 駆け行く想い 25. 近くて遠くて 26. ひとり空を見上げて 27. 春のおとずれ 28. 1日のはじまり 29. 苦悩と葛藤 3.. 2020. 11. 4.