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Music 39/Game10

노바디 원츠 투 다이 ost (Nobody Wants to Die Original Game Soundtrack) 노바디 원츠 투 다이 ost (Nobody Wants to Die Original Game Soundtrack)​01. Nobody Wants to Die02. Neon Wants a Drink03. The Package04. The Hanging Man05. After the Phone06. The Flight Prelude07. The Board Game08. Back Home09. The Flight over Liberty Island10. Hello, this is the Killer Speaking11. Hanging Above the Skyscrapers12. Letting Go13. Back at the Green's Place14. Hidden Atrocities15. Revisiting .. 2024. 7. 27.
홈월드 3 ost (Homeworld 3 Original Soundtrack) 홈월드 3 ost (Homeworld 3 Original Soundtrack)​01. Stellar Drifts02. The Exile's Lament03. The Calm Before the Storm04. Mothership Weapons Test05. Where Am I06. Secret Briefing07. Facility 31508. Mothership Receives Transfer from 31509. Pirate Carrier On Approach10. Meet the Pirates11. Encounter with the Pirates12. Leave Facility 31513. The Call of the Unbound14. Kesura Minor Ambient 0115. First St.. 2024. 7. 8.
홈월드 2 리마스터 ost (Homeworld 2 Remastered Original Soundtrack) 홈월드 2 리마스터 ost (Homeworld 2 Remastered Original Soundtrack)​01. Opening02. The Pride of Hiigara03. Tanis Base04. Vaygr Bombers Approaching05. Assault on Chimera06. Vaygr Invasion07. Transports En Route08. Transports Under Attack09. Captain Soban10. Hiigara Under Siege11. Sarum12. The Bentusi Arrive13. Sajuuk's Identity14. Outskirts of Gehenna15. Inhibitors16. Vaygr Battle Theme17. Oracle Located.. 2024. 7. 8.
홈월드 리마스터 ost (Homeworld Remastered Original Soundtrack) 홈월드 리마스터 ost (Homeworld Remastered Original Soundtrack)​01. The Guidestone02. The Beginning03. Hyperdrive Test04. Outer Kharak System05. The Kar-Selimin06. Turanic Raiders07. Return to Kharak08. Did Not Survive Interogation09. The Great Wastelands10. The Bentusi11. Tradeship Exchange12. Pursuit13. Imperial Battle (Original)14. Imperial Battle (Remixed)15. Imperial Transmission16. Into the Heart .. 2024. 7. 8.
홈월드 ost (Homeworld Original Soundtrack) 홈월드 ost (Homeworld Original Soundtrack)​01. Adagio for Strings02. Mission 1. Kharak System03. Mission 2. Great Wastelands04. Turanic Battle Music05. Mission 5. Garden View06. Imperial Battle Music07. Mission 6. Diamond Shoals08. Mission 7. Garden of Kadesh09. Swarmer Battle Music10. Mission 9. Whispering Ocean11. Mission 10. Super Nova Station12. Mission 13. Ship Graveyard13. Mission 14. Bridge .. 2024. 7. 8.
히라 히라 히히루 ost (Hira Hira Hihiru Original Soundtrack) 히라 히라 히히루 ost (Hira Hira Hihiru Original Soundtrack)​01. 銀座通りを往く02. 閉鎖病棟にて03. 月明かりのひひる04. 檻の中05. 家族の食卓06. 汽車の旅07. 風爛症病棟の患者たち08. 逃避行09. 平穏10. 狂躁室のなかで11. 悪い予感12. 静まりかえった朝13. 親友とのくだらない話14. 加鳥博士かく語りき15. 農村16. 思い出17. 重苦しい心情18. 月夜19. 子供時代の遊び20. 北国の春21. 星たちの歌​​HHH.21 2024. 5. 25.
소울 커버넌트 ost (Soul Covenant Original Soundtrack) 소울 커버넌트 ost (Soul Covenant Original Soundtrack)​01. SOUL COVENANT02. 決死者達の行進曲03. 握りしめた命の痕跡04. 機械仕掛けの愛05. 未来となった全ての死に感謝を06. EVE07. 箱舟の守護者08. 戦いの輪廻09. 神臓の鼓動10. デウス・エクス・マキナ11. 希望のバトン12. 神々のコード13. 骨を拾い合う者達14. 血の涙が流れつく先15. 虚神狂奏曲16. 人柱の矜持17. 屍達の頂から見えるもの18. 反逆の狼煙19. 死の語り部20. 辺獄の合唱曲21. 死を克服した世界22. 全てが一つに繋がる場所23. 座して死を待つよりは24. 機械仕掛けのレクイエム25. Where the Souls Will Meet Again​​SC.25 2024. 5. 25.
매너 로드 ost (Manor Lords Original Soundtrack) 매너 로드 ost (Manor Lords Original Soundtrack)​01. Media Vita (Main Menu)02. The Peasants Cinematic (Thy Dream, Thy Land)03. Vil Lieber Grussesusse04. Emerging From Winter05. Gentle Cold06. Cantigas De Santa Maria07. Magne Pater08. We Grow09. Blood And Banner10. Humble Beginnings11. Heavy Winter (Deep Winter)12. Mayenzeit One Neidt13. Kings And Paupers14. Llibre Vermell De Montserrat15. Rally And M.. 2024. 5. 20.
페니의 대탈출 ost (Penny's Big Breakaway Original Soundtrack) 페니의 대탈출 ost (Penny's Big Breakaway Original Soundtrack)​01. Call Me the Yotagonist02. Bauhaus Breakdown03. Hello Macaroon04. Jig's up, Penny05. Trick of the Wrist06. Pensive at the Afterparty07. Penny in a Pinch08. Refracting Feelings09. Sleep No, Throwdown!10. Land-ho Diabolo!11. Palling Around12. Sparks of the Cobalt Sands13. Scientific Method14. Tutto Finisce a Tarallucci e Vino15. Sudzsy Swi.. 2024. 5. 20.
어둠 속에 나 홀로 ost (Alone in the Dark Original Soundtrack) 어둠 속에 나 홀로 ost (Alone in the Dark Original Soundtrack)​01. The Hartwood Curse02. Welcome to Derceto03. I Need to Find My Uncle04. Johnny the Conqueror05. The New Orleans Doom Shuffle06. A Portrait of a Dark Man07. The Vieux Carré08. Ambush09. That Hateful Mound10. Making Friends11. Derceto Revisited12. The Conservatory13. The Soft Step of a Gumshoe14. Mourning the Dead15. Burning Oil16. Nighttim.. 2024. 5. 7.