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Mobile Suit Gundam38

기동전사 건담: 은회의 환영 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom Original Soundtrack) 기동전사 건담: 은회의 환영 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom Original Soundtrack)​01. SILVER PHANTOM02. Your Story03. Hatred and Envy04. Argent Keil05. Descent06. Babia Lena07. DELTA ZAYIN08. MOVE YOUR MS09. First Sortie10. Battle imminent11. Severely damaged12. IT'S RAINING BABIA13. Solid wall14. Partner15. Fixzi Fix16. His Story17. Space18. Agony and Confusion19. Stardust of Axis20. Empathy21. Make.. 2024. 11. 30.
기동전사 건담: 복수의 레퀴엠 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Original Soundtrack) 기동전사 건담: 복수의 레퀴엠 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Original Soundtrack)​01. The One Year War02. Perpetuum Mobile (Gundam Requiem for Vengeance Opening Theme)03. Romania, UC 007904. Ambushed05. The Red Wolves06. The Principality of Zeon07. Premonition08. Gundam09. Regroup and Riposte10. Country Drive11. Gundam In Pursuit12. Nightmare13. Road to Refuge14. The Ones We Lost15. Gearheads.. 2024. 11. 30.
기동전사 건담 Twilight AXIS ost (Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS Original Soundtrack) 기동전사 건담 Twilight AXIS ost (Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS Original Soundtrack)​01. Twilight AXIS02. Recollection03. Encounter04. Arrival05. Combat06. Affection07. Let Go08. Trace09. Decision10. Counter Attack11. Crisis12. Shine13. Twilight AXIS - Hope -14. Confession​​MSGTA.14 2024. 10. 12.
기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 4) 기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 4)​01. Kakoku-na Kunren no Hajimari02. Garma no Iji to Hokori03. Jaburo no Char04. Fushigina Syojo Lalah05. Casino Stardust06. Shinpi no Hoga07. Char no Senzai-Noryoku08. Musubareta Futari no Kizuna09. Renpo-Gun So-Shireibu10. A Baoa Qu no MS-0411. Gundam Kidou M-312. Odayakana Granada13. Kuroi Mogisen14. Gungcannon Ryosan Li.. 2024. 10. 12.
기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 3) 기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 3)​01. Chinurareta Zabi-ke C-102. Elite-tachi no Nyugakushiki03. Kakoku-na Kunren no Hajimari04. Lino no Giwaku05. Minovsky Plan06. Zyusokogun-kunren07. Syoso no Garma08. Garma no Iji to Hokori09. Haha Eno Tegami10. Char no Katsuyaku11. Tachiagaru Minsyu12. Hajimete Miru Mobile Suit13. Kyousa14. Mikkou15. Mask no Char16. Garm.. 2024. 10. 12.
기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 2) 기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 2)​01. Jinko no Daichi M-102. Tachiagaru Minsyu03. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM THE ORIGIN Main Theme04. Andalucia no Kyoudai05. Kuno-suru Kokorotachi06. Teabolo no Kigu07. Haha Eno Tegami08. Mikkou09. Survival Jump10. Yashima-Oyako no Omoiyari11. Chinurareta Zabi-ke C-112. By Your Side13. Eden no Ranto14. Dozle no Tanomi15. Side 3 Dar.. 2024. 10. 12.
기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 1) 기동전사 건담 디 오리진 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin Original Soundtrack 1)​01. 'Mobile Suit Gundam THE ORIGIN' Main Theme02. Suffering Hearts03. Deikun's Death04. The People Standing Up05. Jimba Ral's Intentions06. Kycilia Zabi07. A Premeditated Murder08. The Child Artesia09. The Bloodstained Zabi Family C-110. By Your Side ~CLUB EDEN BGM ver.~11. Coercion12. Confidential Talk13. The Battle of Od.. 2024. 10. 12.
기동전사 건담 시드 프리덤 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM Original Soundtrack) 기동전사 건담 시드 프리덤 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Prelude 02. The Dispatch of Millennium 03. Freedom Intervenes 04. Archangel’s Crews 05. Lacus’ Worries 06. Long Awaited Moment 07. Those who Hesitate 08. Millennium Sailing 09. Orphee 10. Foundation 11. Provocation 12. Elegant Waltz 13. Fascinating Conversation 14. Moon and Light 15. Operation Initiated 16. Trap .. 2024. 3. 5.
기동전사 건담 수성의 마녀 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Original Soundtrack) 기동전사 건담 수성의 마녀 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Layer 33 02. Eri 03. The Mobile Suit Development Council 04. Delling Rembran 05. LFRITH is the Future 06. Crossing the Line 07. Weapons Should Only Exist to Kill People 08. The Stolen Future 09. Happy Birthday to You ​ CD 2 01. Cockpit 02. Asticassia 03. Earth House 04. Pain in the Neck 05. Whispering .. 2023. 8. 18.
기동전사 건담 철혈의 오펀스 우르드 헌트 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Urdr-Hunt Original Soundtrack) 기동전사 건담 철혈의 오펀스 우르드 헌트 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Urdr-Hunt Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Urdr-Hunt 02. Tekkadan 03. Eloquent Steps 04. Explorer's Words 05. Pirates Carnival 06. Sweat in Dust 07. Calming Vein 08. Red vs Blue 09. Gangsta Bros 10. Surprise Attack 11. Step to Light 12. Flower in the Field 13. Racing Heart 14. Silent Fire 15. Da.. 2023. 3. 11.
기동전사 건담 철혈의 오펀스 컴플리트 베스트 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Complete Best) 기동전사 건담 철혈의 오펀스 컴플리트 베스트 ost (Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Complete Best) ​ 01. Raise your flag 02. オルフェンズの涙 03. Survivor 04. STEEL-鉄血の絆- 05. 戦火の灯火 06. RAGE OF DUST 07. 少年の果て 08. Fighter 09. フリージア ​ ​ MSGIBOCB.9 2023. 3. 11.
기동전사 건담 철혈의 오펀스 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Original Soundtrack II) 기동전사 건담 철혈의 오펀스 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Original Soundtrack II) ​ CD 1 01. Crescent Moon - Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans 2 02. Upstart 03. Brave Figure 04. Tenderfeet 05. The Decision as Family 06. Gallop 07. Assault Waves 08. Suite of the Seven Stars 09. Battle of the Seven Stars 10. Next Stage 11. Distorted Thought 12. The Lord 13. Revenge of the Faithful 14... 2023. 3. 11.