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Music 3/Movie29

퓨리오사: 매드맥스 사가 ost (Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 퓨리오사: 매드맥스 사가 ost (Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)​01. The Pole of Inaccessibility02. Dementus03. The Promise04. You Are Awaited05. The Bear06. You're Scum07. Wives' Quarters08. The Wig and The Seed09. The Stowaway10. Fata Morgana11. Gastown12. A Noble Cause13. The Bullet Farm14. Dementus Is Gaining (from 'Furiosa A Mad Max Saga')15. Dementus' Diatribe16. At the Dawn .. 2024. 6. 20.
비열한 거리 ost (A Dirty Carnival Original Soundtrack) 비열한 거리 ost (A Dirty Carnival Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. 청춘의 꿈 02. 병두 03. 나쁜 녀석들 04. 의리 없는 전쟁 05. 거리의 블루스 06. 살인의 기술 07. 야상곡 1번 08. 병두와 현주 09. 야상곡 2번 10. 옛사진 11. 동정 없는 세상 12. 밤과 도시 13. 현주 14. 야상곡 3번 15. 키스 16. 마지막 왈츠 17. 생존의 법칙 18. 야만의 나날들 19. 밤으로의 긴 여로 20. 분노의 거리 21. 비극의 순환 22. 비열한 거리 23. 마지막 탱고 24. 욕망의 엘레지 25. Old And Wise ​ ​ DC.25 2024. 1. 31.
웰컴 투 동막골 ost (Welcome to Dongmakgol Original Soundtrack) 웰컴 투 동막골 ost (Welcome to Dongmakgol Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. A Waltz Of Sleigh 02. Welcome To Dongmakgol 03. Opening 04. The Battle 05. American Army 06. A Wild Boar 07. N.Korea 08. No Title 09. N.Korea Vs S.Korea 10. Love And Grenage 11. Leaving Dongmakgol For The Battle 12. Falls Of The Popcorn 13. Dongmakgol Village 14. To The Village 15. Paradise 16. Friendship Song 17. After The Battle 18.. 2024. 1. 31.
굿나잇 앤 굿럭 ost (Good Night, and Good Luck Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture) 굿나잇 앤 굿럭 ost (Good Night, and Good Luck Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture) ​ 01. Straighten Up and Fly Right 02. I've Got My Eyes on You 03. Gotta Be This or That 04. Too Close for Comfort 05. How High the Moon 06. Who's Minding the Store 07. You're Driving Me Crazy 08. Pretend 09. Solitude 10. TV is the Thing this Year 11. Pick Yourself Up 12. When I Fall In Love (Instrumental) 13. .. 2024. 1. 31.
레오 ost (Leo Soundtrack from the Netflix Film) 레오 ost (Leo Soundtrack from the Netflix Film) ​ 01. Last Year 02. Lizard's Lament 03. There’s A Time 04. The Talking Song 05. Dear Drone 06. Extra Time (Not That Great) 07. Don't Cry 08. When It's Us 09. Happy 10. When I Was Ten 11. Last Year (Reprise) 12. When It's Us (End Credits) 13. Escape From Eli's 14. Do All Lizards Talk 15. Magic Land Park 16. Hug-Off Spray 17. Eli and Leo Bond 18. Meet .. 2024. 1. 24.
심퍼시 포 더 데빌 ost (Sympathy for the Devil Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 심퍼시 포 더 데빌 ost (Sympathy for the Devil Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. Garaz 02. Crazy Highway 03. Crush 04. The Deal 05. Fight Parking Lot 06. Bailout 07. Police Chase 08. Eerie 09. Kill Police 10. End ​ ​ SD.10 2024. 1. 24.
괴물 ost (Monster Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 괴물 ost (Monster Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 1. 20220207 2. Monster 1 3. hwit 4. Monster 2 5. 20220302 6. hibari 7. Aqua ​ ​ M.7 2023. 12. 1.
나폴레옹 ost (Napoleon Soundtrack from the Apple Original Film) 나폴레옹 ost (Napoleon Soundtrack from the Apple Original Film) ​ 01. Napoleon's Piano 02. Toulon 03. Josephine 04. Soldiers of the 5th Regiment 05. Ladies in Waiting 06. Austerlitz Kyrie 07. We are Discovered 08. Make the Rain Stop 09. Look Down 10. First Counsel 11. Russia 12. Return to France 13. Waterloo Requiem 14. Downfall 15. Bonaparte's Lament ​ ​ N.15 2023. 11. 28.
위시 ost (Wish Original Soundtrack Deluxe Edition) 위시 ost (Wish Original Soundtrack Deluxe Edition) ​ 01. Welcome To Rosas 02. At All Costs 03. This Wish 04. I'm A Star 05. This Is The Thanks I Get! 06. Knowing What I Know Now 07. This Wish (Reprise) 08. A Wish Worth Making 09. The Kingdom Of Rosas 10. Meet The Family 11. Countdown To Interview 12. Meet The Teens 13. Meet Magnifico 14. The Wishes Of Rosas 15. Sabino's Wish 16. A Disappointing Tr.. 2023. 11. 28.
서울의 봄 ost (12.12: The Day Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 서울의 봄 ost (12.12: The Day Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. 전선을 간다 (Lyrics Version) 02. March for Power 03. General Lee 04. Move All (출정가) 05. The Seoul Spring (서울의 봄) 06. The Insurrection 07. The Day After October 26th 08. New Era 09. Hanahoe (하나회) 10. Allies 11. Irresistible 12. No Turning Back 13. Conspiracy 14. Plotting Attack 15. The Launch 16. Call From the Chief of Staff (참모총장의 호출.. 2023. 11. 28.
닥터 스트레인지: 대혼돈의 멀티버스 ost (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 닥터 스트레인지: 대혼돈의 멀티버스 ost (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. Multiverse of Madness 02. On the Run 03. Strange Awakens 04. The Apple Orchard 05. Are You Happy 06. Gargantos 07. Journey with Wong 08. Home 09. Strange Statue 10. The Decision Is Made 11. A Cup of Tea 12. Discovering America 13. Grab My Hand 14. Battle Time 15. Not a Monster 16. Forbi.. 2022. 5. 10.
민스미트 작전 ost (Operation Mincemeat Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 민스미트 작전 ost (Operation Mincemeat Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ​ 01. Submarine Rises 02. Iris 03. Room 13 04. Fresh as a Daisy 05. Briefcase in Madrid 06. Our Story Begins… 07. Single Diamond Ring 08. I'm Going to Get Lit up (When the Lights Go up in London) 09. Gulf of Cádiz 10. War Hero 11. Deader and Deader 12. Last Lovely Golden Day 13. Haversack Ruse 14. Toast 15. Holy Loch 16. Dull a.. 2022. 5. 10.