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Music 20/Game93

파이널 판타지 14: 황금의 유산 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 14: 황금의 유산 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Original Soundtrack)​CD 101. Dawntrail02. Prelude - A Westward Journey03. Taco Delight04. Morrow's Might05. For Hope and Happiness06. Windswept Echoes07. Blade's Exaltation08. Pastoral Pleasures09. Bright Bustle10. Windswept Whispers11. Of Glittering Wings12. Fun and Games13. Punutiy Crossing14. Roads Forsaken15. Of Glittering Baubles16. Life .. 2025. 3. 16.
엘더 스크롤: 캐슬 ost (The Elder Scrolls: Castles Official Soundtrack) 엘더 스크롤: 캐슬 ost (The Elder Scrolls: Castles Official Soundtrack)​01. Lineage02. Serenade I03. Composure04. Nocturne I05. Sun's Dusk06. Generations07. Morning Star08. Serenade II09. Second Seed10. Labor (Dawn)11. Devotion12. Evening Star13. Nocturne II14. Last Seed15. Endeavour16. Sundas17. Serenade III18. Settle19. Sun's Dawn20. Propser21. Nocturne III22. Sweetroll23. Labor (Day)24. Serenade IV25.. 2024. 11. 12.
파이널 판타지 레코드 키퍼 ost 5 (Final Fantasy Record Keeper Original Soundtrack Vol.5) 파이널 판타지 레코드 키퍼 ost 5 (Final Fantasy Record Keeper Original Soundtrack Vol.5)​01. 10th Anniversary Medley, FFRK Ver. arrange02. New Year Medley 2024, FFRK Ver. arrange03. Holiday Medley 2023, FFRK Ver. arrange04. Vivi's Theme FFIX, FFRK Ver. arrange05. Mog's Theme FFVI, FFRK Ver. arrange06. Battle Theme~The Rebel Army FFII, FFRK Ver. arrange07. The Final Battle FFIV Ver.2, FFRK Ver. arrange08. Th.. 2024. 10. 5.
엘더 스크롤 온라인 골드 로드 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Official Soundtrack) 엘더 스크롤 온라인 골드 로드 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Official Soundtrack)​01. A Legacy of Blood, Glory, and Honor02. Beneath Autumn Leaves03. Ithelia, the Prince of Paths04. From the Strid to the Highlands05. Dancing Knives, Shimmering Spells06. Fractured Recollections07. Land of Grapes and Blades08. Ulfsild's Legacy​​TESOGR.8 2024. 7. 8.
엘더 스크롤 온라인 네크롬 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Official Soundtrack) 엘더 스크롤 온라인 네크롬 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom Official Soundtrack)​01. Shadow over Morrowind02. From Ald Isra to Tel Dreloth03. The Cephaliarch's Domain04. A Sanguine Symphony05. Down the Padomaic Crest06. The Colour of All Knowledge07. A Battered Past, a Furious Future08. City of Shadow and Ash09. Beneath Telvanni Towers​​TESON.9 2024. 7. 8.
파이널 판타지 14: 광명의 시작 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Growing Light Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 14: 광명의 시작 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Growing Light Original Soundtrack)​01. 始まりの幻域02. 巡礼者の道 ~輝ける神域 アグライア~03. 威光 ~輝ける神域 アグライア~04. 命の天秤 ~輝ける神域 アグライア~05. 万世の言葉 (Journeys) ~禁書回収 グブラ幻想図書館~06. 地図を広げて ~近東秘宝 アルザダール海底遺跡群~07. ヒッポライダーズ08. トロイア国 ~暁月~09. バトル2 (FINAL FANTASY IV) ~暁月~10. 一方その頃 ~蠢く野心~11. ゴルベーザ四天王とのバトル ~禁断の記憶~12. 灼熱の地へ (From Astral to Umbral) ~ザナラーンフィールド~13. 震える刃14. 終の戦15. 英雄に続け16. ザナラーンの熱.. 2024. 5. 7.
파이널 판타지 7 리버스 ost (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 7 리버스 ost (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Original Soundtrack)​001. The Unknown Journey Continues (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)002. もうひとつのバスターソード (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)003. 英雄セフィロス (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)004. ザンガンのテーマ (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)005. ニブル山を目指して (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)006. はりきるソルジャー (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)007. もっとはりきるソルジャー (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)008. マテリアキーパー (FF7 Rebirth OST Ver.)009. 旅の途中で -カ.. 2024. 5. 7.
파이널 판타지 16 ost (Final Fantasy XVI Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 16 ost (Final Fantasy XVI Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Land of Eikons 02. Away (Overture) 03. The Lion and the Hare – The Nysa Defile 04. Shattered 05. A Rose Is a Rose 06. Return of the Archduke 07. My Lady 08. Into the Mire – Stillwind 09. Sixteen Bells 10. There His Quarry Lies 11. On the Wind Borne – The Rosarian Ducal Anthem 12. Duty 13. Enterprising Traders 14. Betrayal – Phoeni.. 2023. 7. 24.
스트레인저 오브 파라다이스 파이널 판타지 오리진 ost 2 (Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Original Soundtrack Volume 2) 스트레인저 오브 파라다이스 파이널 판타지 오리진 ost 2 (Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Original Soundtrack Volume 2) ​ 01. Where to Obtain Untold Power – Motif from “Matoya's Cave” 02. Battle- Bahamut 03. Battle- Hammer of the Gods 04. Rift Labyrinth 05. Battle- Gilgamesh – Motif from “Battle at the Big Bridge” 06. Battle- Wandering Hero – Motif from “Battle at the Big Bridge” 07. Battle- Death Machine 08... 2023. 4. 10.
메탈 울프 카오스 XD ost (Metal Wolf Chaos XD Original Soundtrack)​ 메탈 울프 카오스 XD ost (Metal Wolf Chaos XD Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Metal Wolf Chaos Theme I 02. RedRide2 03. Metal Wolf Chaos Theme II 04. Ginger 05. Story Tale 06. Story Tale II 07. Natural Born Hero 08. Diary 09. Pepper 10. Metal Fighter 11. Judgement 12. Break Out 13. Report 14. Dept Blue 15. Arizona 16. How Do You Like Me Now!! 17. Red Zone 18. To My Brother 19. Coffee 20. Olajiwon 21. Assign .. 2023. 1. 19.
돈틀리스 ost 3 (Dauntless Original Soundtrack Vol.3) 돈틀리스 ost 3 (Dauntless Original Soundtrack Vol.3) ​ 01. I Am Dauntless 02. Through the Brambles and Briar 03. Doctor Priyani 04. The Middleman 05. Unseen Ritual 06. Adversary of Vylmark 07. Xelya, the Farslayer 08. Curious Collections 09. A Merry Frostfall 10. Snowball Fight 11. Time Eater 12. Siren's Call 13. The Living Blade ​ ​ D-3.13 2023. 1. 11.
돈틀리스 ost 2 (Dauntless Original Soundtrack Vol.2) 돈틀리스 ost 2 (Dauntless Original Soundtrack Vol.2) ​ 01. The Grand Bazaar 02. Ramsgate Reborn 03. Forging the Future 04. Scorched Earth 05. Feeling Lucky, Slayer 06. Secrets of the Alchemist 07. A Host of Minions 08. Race Through the City 09. Shadow Stalker 10. Feats of Strength 11. No Courage Without Fear 12. Adventure Awaits 13. Call of the Void 14. Vault of Wonders 15. Death from Above ​ ​ D-2.15 2023. 1. 11.