정원의 뱀파이어 ost (Vampire in the Garden Original Soundtrack)
01. Frozen Blood~In the Mud~
02. Coming Upon
03. Frozen Blood #1
04. Anywhere But Here
05. Repatriation
06. Frozen Blood #2
07. Bird in a Cage
08. Silver Lining~In the Day~
09. Battle of Obelisk
10. Get Nowhere
11. Haunted
12. Into the Darkness
13. Wilderness
14. Old Mansion
15. Anywhere But Here~Honky-tonk ver.~
16. You Are Free
17. Hallucination
18. Oratio Nocturna~Slow Record ver.~
19. Rustling Leaves
20. Vampire Hunter
21. Stable Opaque Immortal
22. Icy Air
23. Silver Lining~In the Night~
24. Scenic Beauty~with Clap~
25. At a Shabby Hotel
26. Instinct
27. Hurry Up
28. Writhe With Mortal Pangs
29. Peat Boat to Paradise
30. Snow Flurry
31. I’m Relieved
32. Stable Opaque Immortal~Lost~
33. Dancing Under the Northern Lights
34. The Coming Storm
35. Iron Coffin
36. Frozen Blood~Awakening~
37. Killing Blow
38. You Will Be With Me
39. The Last Day
40. Zero Visibility
41. Stable Opaque Immortal ~Hope~
42. Oratio Nocturna
43. Oratio Nocturna~FastRecord ver.~
44. Scenic Beauty
45. Dancing Under the Northern Lights~OSTver.~
46. Dancing Under the Northern Lights~VoiceCut~
47. Oratio Nocturna~Fast Record ver.2~
48. Oratio Nocturna~Slow Record ver.2~
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