쥬라기 월드 ost (Jurassic World Complete Motion Picture Score)
01. 1m1 Bury the Hatchling
02. 1m2 The Family that Strays Togeth
03. 1m4a Isla Nubar We There Yet
04. 1m4b Welcome To Jurassic World
05. 1m5s The Hammond Lab Overture (So
06. 1m6-9 Does This Dino Make Jurassi
07. 1m7s It's a Small Jurassic World
08. 1m8 Claire with Kids
09. 1m10 As the Jurassic World Turns
10. 1m11a Raptor Attention
11. 2m11b This Little Piggy
12. 2m12a The Raptors of War
13. 2m12b Clearly His First Rodeo
14. 2m13 Glorified Petting Zoo
15. 2m15 Devil-May-Claire Attitude
16. 2m16-17 Owen You Nothing
17. 2m18s The Mosasauraus Rhapsody
18. 2m19-20 Indominus Wrecks
19. 3m21 The Calm After the Storm
20. 3m21b Wolf in Creeps Clothing
21. 3m22a Monorail Journey (Unused)
22. 3m22s The Brockway Monorail (Sour
23. 3m23 A Divorce of Nature
24. 3m24-25 Come Hell or High Slaught
25. 3m26 Mad Scientist Disease
26. 3m26 Mad Scientist Disease (Alt.
27. 3m27s Sunrise O'er Jurassic Park
28. 3m28s The Jimmy Fallon Serenade (
29. 3m30 Gyrosphere of Influence
30. 4m33-34 Five is the Scariest Numb
31. 4m33-34 Five is the Scariest Numb
32. 4m35-36 Pavane for a Dead Apatosa
33. 4m39a Ye Old Visitor Center
34. 4m39b This Place Gives Me the Jee
35. 4m40 Uno Masrani
36. 4m41 Fits and Jumpstarts
37. 4m42 Entropy in the Aviary
38. 5m43 The Dimorphodon Shuffle
39. 5m43 The Dimorphodon Shufflee (Al
40. 5m44 A Reign of Pteranodons
41. 5m46 Love in the Time of Pterosau
42. 5m47a Your Alpha is Showing
43. 5m47b Your Beta is Showing
44. 5m47c Your Charlie is Showing
45. 5m49 Bond of Brothers
46. 5m50 Chasing the Dragons
47. 6m51 Alpha Beta Charlie Dinner
48. 6m52 Raptor Your Heart Out
49. 6m54 Lowery Your Expectations
50. 6m57 Island of Dr. Hoskins
51. 6m58 Costa Rican Standoff
52. 6m60 The Teeth Degree
53. 6m61 Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours
54. 6m61 Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours
55. 7m62 Growl and Make-Up
56. 7m63 Nine to Survival
57. 7m64-65 The Park is Closed-End Cr
58. 7m64 The Park is Closed (Alt. 1)
59. 7m64 The Park is Closed (Alt. 2)
60. 7m64 The Park is Closed (Alt. 3)
61. Jurassic World Suite