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Music 5/Animation

강철의 연금술사 브라더후드 ost 3 (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 3)

by 말랑카우 ost 2019. 12. 6.

강철의 연금술사 브라더후드 ost 3 (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 3)



1. Rain ~TV size~

2. Knives and Shadows

3. March of the Moving Dolls

4. Crime and Punishment

5. Ante Meridiem

6. Consonance

7. The Intrepid

8. Tribute to W.C.I

9. The Forbearer

10. Envy Revealed ~Adagio~

11. Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~

12. Heroic Bolero

13. A Soldier’s Honor

14. Amestris Military March

15. Tribute to W.C.II

16. The Pendulum

17. The Day the Sun Disappeared

18. Dissident’s Creed

19. In the Fray

20. Lapis Philosophorum ~Chant~

21. Violoncello’s Lament

22. Sorrowful Stone

23. Main Theme ~The Alchemist~

24. The Awakening

25. Philosophorum Omega

26. Nightfall in Central City ~Fin~

27. Epilogue ~A New Journey~

28. Main Theme ~Homage to Alchemy~

29. Trisha’s Lullaby ~A Reminiscence~

30. RAY OF LIGHT ~TV Size~

31. Resembool's Lullaby



파일 이름 : FAB-3.31

