바이오하자드 4 리메이크 ost (Biohazard Re:4 Original Soundtrack)
CD 1
01. Dark Forest - Main Menu
02. Prologue
03. A Day I'll Never Forget
04. The Drive Remake ver
05. Smell of Death
06. Noise of Scars - Ganado (Villagers)
07. Save Theme Remake ver
08. A Cold Wind
09. The Chainsaw
10. The Church Bell Tolls
11. Interlude
12. Abandoned Factory
13. Serenity Remake ver
14. Drums from Hell
15. Big Anger on the Lake - Del Lago Remake ver
16. Parasite Eyes
17. Flourish, Dear Child - El Gigante
18. Distortion in the Night
19. Besieged
20. Do You Got a Smoke
21. Fish Farm
22. Two Chainsaws
23. Catch and Run
24. Mutation - Bitores Mèndez
CD 2
01. Sacrifice
02. Hellfire
03. Uninvited Guest
04. Water of the Cursed - Ganado (Zealots)
05. Audience Chamber
06. Quietly - Garrador
07. White Knuckled
08. Gloria a las Plagas
09. A Stone's Throw Away from Death
10. I'm So Scared, Leon
11. Foreboding Fog
12. Light the Shadows
13. Terror Suits You - Armadura
14. Touching Base
15. Solemn Hallway
16. Mimesis - Novistador
17. Four Claws - Garrador
18. Forlorn Depths
19. The Executioner's Tail - Verdugo
20. Mud and Metal
21. ”Two of them. One for each of us!” - El Gigante
22. Thrill Ride!
23. Knives Are Faster
24. A Fine Knight
25. The Clock Tower
26. Lift's Taken
27. Unsteady
28. The Dawn of Waltz
29. Baile de la muerte - Ramón Salazar
CD 3
01. Infiltration Remake ver
02. R.E.D. - Ganado (Soldiers)
03. Facility
04. HUm@n exPerIMent4tiON - Regenerador
05. The Speaker
06. Path to Closure Remake ver
07. Old Wounds, New Weapons
08. Witness The Power - Krauser Remake ver
09. That You Did, Major
10. Back Up Remake ver
11. Mayday Revelation from the Father
12. The Altar
13. Still You Resist, Child
14. A Hall in Ruin
15. Absolution
16. Origin of Tragedy - Final Battle Remake ver
17. The Dominant Plaga
18. Thrilling Escape
19. On the Horizon
CD 4
01. Sorrow Remake ver
02. The Bullet Or The Blade
03. You Really Are the Best - Results
04. End of Umbrella Remake ver
05. Shoot the Targets! - Target Practice
06. Pirate Ship Higemaru
07. Preludio
08. Save Theme - Mellow Nightscape Mix (Bonus Track)
BRE4-1.24 BRE4-2.29 BRE4-3.19 BRE4-4.8
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