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베요네타 3 ost (Bayonetta 3 Original Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2023. 4. 19.

베요네타 3 ost (Bayonetta 3 Original Soundtrack)

CD 1

01. The Beginning Of The End

02. Requiem

03. EV001 Collapse Begins

04. GM01 Chapter Start

05. EV002-1 Prologue

06. EV002-2 It Might As Well Be Routine

07. EV002-3 Premonition I

08. EV002-4 Premonition II

09. EV002-5 Party on Deck

10. EV002-6 Muttering Enzo

11. EV002-7 Attack from the Unknown I

12. EV002-8 Rodin Appears

13. EV002-9 Attack from the Unknown II

14. Homunculi Descend

15. EV002-10 Dance Party!

16. Moonlight Serenade (Eternal Climax Mix)

17. EV003-1 Rodin's Delivery

18. EV003-2 Trying to Colour My World

19. EV003-3 Demon Masquerade

20. Theme Of Bayonetta 3 - Al Fine

21. EV004-1 Cumulonimbus Appears

22. EV004-2 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight I

23. The Heavies (3rd Climax Ver.)

24. EV005-1 Rebellious Infernal Demon

25. EV005-2 Ancient Magic Art Demon Slave

26. Summoning the Infernal Demon (3rd Climax Ver.)

27. EV006 Threat of the Invader

28. Kraken - Abyss

29. EV007 Jeanne in Peril

30. Kraken - Emerged

31. Get To The Climax!

32. EV008 A Glimpse of Rodin

33. GM02 Chapter Complete

CD 2

01. The Gates Of Hell (Original Ver.)

02. EV009-1 Shape of the Unknown I

03. EV009-2 Shape of the Unknown II

04. EV009-3 Viola's Demand

05. Demons Descend Bayonetta 2

06. EV009-4 Cheshire's Whimsy

07. EV010-1 To the Secluded Island

08. EV010-2 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight II

09. Thule, The Isle Between

10. A New Guidepost

11. Ginnungagap, The Chaotic Abyss

12. Station Jingle

13. EV011-1 Backstab

14. Giant Homunculi Descend

15. EV011-2 Iridescent Appears

16. Ride On Gomorrah!

17. ST01-1 The Sinking City - Crosswalk

18. EV012-1 Homunculus Invasion

19. EV012-2 Here Comes Bayonetta!

20. Goldberg Variations, BWV 988:Aria

21. EV013 Trying Out G-Pillar

22. Into the Sewers

23. Free Battle

24. EV014-1 Pannus Appears

25. EV014-2 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight III

26. Phantoms

27. EV015 Fingertips

28. EV016 Remnants of Memory I

29. EV017-1 Phantasmaraneae, Spinner of Flame


31. ST01-2 The Sinking City - Eastern Gate

32. EV018 Lacunosus Appears

33. EV019 Asperatus Appears

34. EV020 Troubled Waters

35. The Demon Rider

36. EV021 Goodbye For Now

CD 3

01. EV022 Attack of the Beastman

02. Red Moon

03. EV023-1 Development Troubles!

04. EV023-2 Running

05. ST01-3 The Sinking City - Temple Gate

06. EV024-1 Here's Luka

07. EV024-2 Fateful Reunion

08. EV025 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight IV

09. EV026 The Lone Witch

10. Try To Stop Me!

11. Lagoon Of Clouds

12. EV027-1 Inside Iridescent

13. EV027-2 Wrath of the Witch

14. Catastrophe

15. EV028 Phenomenal Affirmation I

16. Witch Heart

17. Crime and Punishment

18. EV029-1 Intensity Blast

19. EV029-2 The Host, Lost I

20. Chaos Gear

21. EV029-3 Back to Thule

22. EV030 To the Military Base

23. Sneaking Mission!

24. EV031 Infiltration

25. Mission Start

26. Escape!

27. QTJ

28. Mission Complete

CD 4

01. EV032 A Disappearing World

02. EV033 To a New World

03. ST02-1 Great Fortress - Xi Chang An

04. EV034 Mediocris Appears

05. ST02-2 Great Fortress - Xi Chang An Interior

06. EV035 Remnant of Memory II

07. EV036 Wartrain Gouon

08. EV037 Virga Appears

09. The Gates Of Hell (Swing Ver.)

10. Sandglass of Time

11. EV038-1 Viola's Struggle

12. EV038-2 Back Together

13. GH()ST

14. EV039-1 Talking to Viola I

15. EV039-2 Talking to Viola II

16. EV040 Chasing Luka

17. ST02-3 Great Fortress - Shuang Cha Ling

18. EV041 Structural Damage

19. Viola's Disaster

20. EV042 Nebulosus Appears

21. EV043 Volutus Appears

22. EV044 Cheshire Gets Serious I

23. ST02-4 Great Fortress - Liang Jie Shan

24. EV045 Pyrocumulus Appears

25. Volcanic Eruption

26. EV046 The One-Eyed Witch

27. EV047 Phenomenal Affirmation II

28. Queen Magick

29. EV048-1 The Host, Lost II

30. EV048-2 Falling Apart I

31. The Heavies (SC Climax Ver.)

32. EV049-1 The Cliffs of Thule

33. EV049-2 A Close Call for Viola!

34. EV050 Crash Landing

35. Eternal Mirage

36. EV051 Mab Dachi Unearthed!

37. EV052-1 Cheshire Gets Serious II

38. EV052-2 Cheshire Inspired

39. Cheshire the Wanderer

40. EV053 Cheshire's Big Show

CD 5

01. ST03 Endless Expanse

02. The Gates Of Hell (Bossa Nova Ver.)

03. EV054 Luka Found

04. EV055-1 Luka's Transformation

05. EV055-2 The Beastman Returns

06. Red Lupus

07. EV056 Power Unleashed

08. EV057-1 Unrelenting Beast

09. EV057-2 Another Talk with Viola

10. EV058-1 Castellanus Appears

11. EV058-2 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight V

12. Red & Black (3rd Climax Mix)

13. EV059 The Courageous Witch

14. EV060 Remnants of Memory III

15. Venom's Caress

16. EV061 Radiatus Appears

17. Solving the Mystery

18. EV062 Murus Appears

19. EV063 An Audience with Baal

20. EV064 Bridge Collapse

21. Tower of Pacts - Entrance

22. Tower of Pacts - Interior

23. EV065 Remnants of Memory IV

24. EV066 Malphas, Pacifier

25. EV067 Riding Malphas

26. Temple of Tempests

27. Fall of the Ruins

28. Onrush of Erasure

29. EV068 Treasure Room Collapse

30. The Flying Demon

31. EV069 Cirrostratus & Cirrocumulus Appear

32. EV070 Hesitation

33. EV071 The Desert Witch

34. EV072-1 Stratocumulus Appears

35. EV072-2 Phenomenal Affirmation III

36. Sovereigns Of Souls

37. EV073-1 Gravity Collapse I

38. EV073-2 Gravity Collapse II

CD 6

01. Elevator Combat

02. EV074 Deep in the Facility

03. Thule - Frosted Peak

04. EV075 Opacus Appears

05. Ginnungagap Collapse

06. EV076 Faerie King Lukaon

07. ST04-1 City in Darkness - Gate of Glory

08. EV077 Assault of the Beastman

09. EV078 Viola's Plea

10. ST04-2 City in Darkness - Avenue

11. EV079 Remnants of Memory V

12. EV080 Mictlantecuhtli, Presser of Destruction

13. EV081-1 Nimbostratus Appears

14. EV081-2 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight VI

15. Dimensional Destabilization

16. EV082 Rosa Appears Bayonetta 2

17. Battle for the Umbra Throne (3rd Climax Mix)

18. EV083 Follow the Steel Witch!

19. The Hunters And The Hunted

20. EV084-1 Parting Yet Again

21. EV084-2 The Stolen Gear

22. ST04-3 City in Darkness - Breakdown

23. EV085-1 Duplicatus Appears

24. EV085-2 Sting Like a Butterfly

25. EV085-3 Bayonetta, Ready to Fight VII

26. EV086-1 Parasite Dance

27. EV086-2 Summon Battle Dance

28. Gomorrah Brings Destruction

29. EV087-1 The Enchanged Witch I

30. EV087-2 Witch Dance Battle!

31. EV087-3 The Enchanged Witch II

32. Night Shadows Dancing

33. EV088 Takeover

34. Fertile Rondo (English)

35. Fertile Rondo (Japanese)

36. EV089 Falling Apart II

CD 7

01. EV090-1 Escape from the Facility

02. EV090-2 Riding in Style

03. Groovy Speedway

04. Le Soleil Couchant

05. EV091 Back with Friends

06. EV092-1 Catching up with Jeanne

07. EV092-2 Thule Altar of the Skies

08. Riders Of The Light (3rd Climax Mix) - Amazing EP Solo Ver

09. EV093 Talking to Jeanne

10. Red & Black Bayonetta

11. EV094 Aureole Appears

12. Alpha Verse - Aureole Assault

13. EV095 Angst of the Beastman

14. EV096 Dark Adam

15. EV097 The Truth

16. EV098 Sigurd's Plan

17. EV099-1 The Portal Vanishes

18. EV099-2 Luka's Awakening

19. EV099-3 Words with Luka I

20. EV099-4 Cheshire Gets Serious III

21. EV100 Encounter with Singularity

22. Singularity - Chaos

23. EV101 Into Space

24. Singularity - Balance

25. EV102-1 Bayonetta All Stars ~Eternal Witches~

26. EV102-2 Umbran Witches

27. Friendship Bayonetta

28. Singularity - Definition

29. EV103 Phenomenal Uncertainty

30. Theme Of Bayonetta - Mysterious Destiny Bayonetta

31. EV104-1 Speaking to Singularity I

32. EV104-2 Speaking to Singularity II

33. EV105-1 Viola in Peril

34. EV105-2 Words with Luka II

CD 8

01. EV106 My Desire

02. We Are As One

03. EV107 In a Vanishing World

04. Dark Eve

05. EV108 The Final Lesson I

06. EV109 The Final Lesson II

07. Moonlight Serenade

08. EV110 Epilogue

09. Let's Dance, Boys! (3rd Climax Mix)

10. Best Memories

11. GM03 Niflheim

12. Riders Of The Light (3rd Climax Mix) - Wonderful B3 Solo Ver

13. Riders Of The Light (3rd Climax Mix) - Crazy Gt Solo Ver

14. The Giants (2nd Climax Ver.) Bayonetta 2

15. The Heavies Bayonetta

16. The Heavies (2nd Climax Ver.) Bayonetta 2

17. Valor - In Courage And Galantry Bayonetta 2

18. Fortitudo - In Labors And Dangers Bayonetta

19. Alraune - Whisperer Of Insanity Bayonetta 2

20. The Infinite One

B3-1.33 B3-2.36 B3-3.28 B3-4.40 B3-5.38 B3-6.36 B3-7.34 B3-8.20

