심부름꾼 사이토 씨, 이세계에 가다 ost (Handyman Saitou in Another World Original Soundtrack)
01. The Beginning Of The Day
02. Refreshing Breeze
03. He Plays The Fool
04. Saitou Said
05. Exploration
06. Unseen Object
07. Encounter The Enemy
08. It's Dark Outside
09. Spiritual Awakening
10. Tender Eyes
11. Relaxing Bonfire
12. Soft Attitude
13. Great Charm
14. Blockheadedness
15. In The End
16. Fall Into A Hole
17. Oppressive Atmosphere
18. Culprit
19. The Enemy
20. Neck and Neck
21. Satan
22. Gloomy Picture
23. Heart Throbbing
24. Act Quickly
25. Funny In The Head
26. Get Antsy
27. Gain The Upper Hand
28. No Expectations
29. Turn The Tables
30. Our Hero
31. Royal Palace
32. Just In Case
33. Once In A Blue Moon
34. Unavoidable Fate
35. Mystified Voice
36. Reminiscence
37. Out Of Darkness
38. I Might Die
39. Unavoidable Grief
40. See You One Day
41. Saitou Is Coming
42. Grand Finale
43. It All Began
44. Everything Goes Well
45. Clear Sky
46. Engaging Smile
47. Favorite Shop