
트랜스포머: 비스트의 서막 ost (Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Music from the Motion Picture)
01. The Maximals
02. Unicron Scourge
03. Autobots Enter
04. What Are You
05. More Than Meets the Eye
06. Mirage
07. Museum Heist
08. Battle at Ellis Island
09. Fallen Hero
10. Chris Meets Mirage
11. Arriving in Peru
12. Hiding in Plain Sight
13. The Cave
14. Switchback Chase
15. The Village
16. Saving Elena
17. One Last Stand
18. The Final Battle Begins
19. Unicron Approaches
20. Home Team
21. Volcano Battle
22. No Matter the Cost
23. Till All Are One
24. Humans and Autobots United
25. Here's My Card
26. A Long Time Ago