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Music 30/Game

월드 오브 워크래프트 군단 ost (World of Warcraft Legion Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2019. 12. 13.

월드 오브 워크래프트 군단 ost (World of Warcraft Legion Soundtrack)


01. Kingdoms Will Burn

02. Relentless

03. Azeroth’s Last Hope

04. The Tomb Of Sargeras

05. New Dalaran

06. Dark Titan

07. Val’sharah

08. Passages

09. Highmountain

10. Mire

11. Stormheim

12. Artifacts

13. Suramar

14. Demon Hunter

15. Azsuna

16. A World Divided

17. Ley Lines

18. Canticle Of Sacrifice



파일 이름 : WOWL.18

