시티 헌터 ost (City Hunter Soundtrack from the Netflix Film)
01. XYZ
02. Don't do that
03. The Target Ran Away!
04. Aladdin
05. Her Blue Clues
06. Oh, Miss Trouble
07. Kaori's Unknown Past
08. The Assassin Driver
09. His Last Breath
10. Title Back
11. Unspoken Goodbye
12. Saeba Shouji
13. The Net Cafe Nomad
14. Mokkori Ondo
15. Akutsu
16. Kurumi's Rumored
17. Injected Trials
18. The Fallen Blue
19. Union
20. Angel Dust
21. Behind Closed Cases
22. Milk
23. Behind the Curtains
24. Lore Rock
25. Sasori A
26. Not Done Yet Darling
27. Greed in Uniform
28. Last Words Conveyed
29. The Decision (Title Back)
30. We Recolor the Future
31. What is the Union
32. The Hidden Laboratory
33. Footsteps (Shinjuku in 2024 Version)
34. Two Against Forty
35. Awakening
36. Higuma
37. Higuma vs Ryo
38. Your Family
39. Shoot Me!
40. Paying Respects
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