
사일런트 힐: 어센션 ost (Silent Hill: Ascension Original Soundtrack)
01. Ascension (Main Theme)
02. Another Place 01
03. The Collector
04. Rachel's Theme
05. Eric's Theme
06. Toby's Theme
07. Another Place 02
08. The Entangler
09. Bridge Too Far
10. To The Head (Domination)
11. Another Place 03
12. The Voyager (Zayn's Theme)
13. Astrid's Theme
14. Karl's Theme
15. Brit's Theme
16. Another Place 04
17. The Immolator
18. To Ingrid
19. Through The Heart (Violence)
20. Another Place 05
21. Another Place 06
22. Another Place 07
23. Goodbye (Forever)