
디아블로 4: 증오의 그릇 ost (Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred Original Soundtrack)
01. Nahantu
02. You Control Nothing
03. Prophecy
04. Into The Dark
05. Lingering Hatred
06. Hideout
07. Docks
08. Boon
09. Travincal
10. Durance
11. Kurast
12. Night
13. Restless Canopy
14. Field of Giants
15. Ichorfall
16. Spirit Realm
17. Ah Bulan
18. Guardian
19. Fragile Blessings
20. Teganze Plateau
21. Dedicants
22. Kichuk
23. Five Hills
24. The Tangles
25. Samuk
26. In His Footsteps
27. Vault of Light
28. My Blood Sings In You
29. All Good Things
30. Fading Away
31. Reckoning
32. The Age to Come
33. Rise
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