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Music 8/Game

언차티드: 잃어버린 유산 ost (UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy Original Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2019. 12. 25.

언차티드: 잃어버린 유산 ost (UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy Original Soundtrack)

01. The Insurgency

02. Infiltration

03. Chloe Frazer

04. The Western Ghats

05. Shift Change

06. The Great Battle

07. Gatekeeper

08. Ambushed

09. The Tusk of Ganesh

10. Catacombs

11. This Tiger’s Got Claws

12. Confrontation

13. The Shiva Caves

14. Revelations

15. A Familiar Foe

16. Chamber of the Kings

17. Partners

18. End of the Line

19. The Lost Legacy

파일 이름 : U-LL.19

