찰리와 초콜릿 공장 ost (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory The Complete Motion Picture Soundtrack)
01. Main Titles
02. Toothpaste Factory
03. Wonka’s First Shop
04. The Indian Palace
05. Wheels In Motion
06. Augustus’ Ticket
07. Salt’s Nuts
08. Charlie’s Birthday Bar
09. Mr. Bucket’s Job
10. 10 Dollars
11. The Golden Ticket
12. We’re Not Going / Factory / Wonka’s Welcome Song
13. Chocolate Explorers
14. Enjoy
15. Loompa Land / Cocoa Beans
16. Deal
17. The Pipe / Augustus Gloop
18. The Boat Arrives
19. The River Cruise
20. Trick Or Treat
21. The River Cruise – Part 2
22. Inventing Room
23. Hair Toffee
24. Violet Turning Violet
25. Violet Beauregarde
26. First Candy
27. Squirrel Attack
28. Mr. Salt / Veruca Salt
29. The Elevator Suite
30. Macarena (source)
31. Also Sprach Zarathustra
32. Don’t Push My Button
33. Mike Teavee
34. The Only One
35. Up And Out
36. Finding An Heir
37. Charlie Declines
38. Things Getting Better
39. Dr. Wilbur Wonka, D.D.S.
40. Finale / End Credits Suite
파일 이름 : CCF.40