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다이아몬드 에이스3

다이아몬드 에이스 Act 2 ost (Ace of Diamond Act II Original Soundtrack) 다이아몬드 에이스 Act 2 ost (Ace of Diamond Act II Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. 青道高校 校歌 02. 怪童現る 03. 半分有頂天 04. 静かに芽吹く春 05. 青い炎の瞳 06. 這いつくばって強くなる 07. 足跡のない道へ 08. 王様 09. 背伸びタンコブ 10. 生まれたての火花 11. 報われない成長痛 12. 舌戦 13. 一筋の汗 14. 転がる林檎 15. 俺はここにいる 16. 指先の飢渇 17. 月と球音 18. 気炎万丈 19. 無駄吠え 20. 消せない足跡 21. 見せない牙 22. 握り拳の芯 23. 雨風のように太陽のように 24. 最高の恩返しを 25. 言葉の裏のサイン 26. 転がる稲妻 27. 進まない時計 28. 伸るか反るか 29. 歯がゆい拳 30. 走馬灯 31. 始まりの.. 2020. 10. 16.
다이아몬드 에이스 ost 2 (Ace of Diamond Original Soundtrack 2) 다이아몬드 에이스 ost 2 (Ace of Diamond Original Soundtrack 2) ​ 01. Grow stronger and go on 02. Maximum wind speed 03. Mental conflict 04. Broken fences 05. Higher ambition 06. Keep your eye on the ball 07. Psychological warfare 08. Trick play 09. An unforgettable day 10. Heat haze 11. Setting sun 12. Wandering 13. Height of summer 14. Heads or tails 15. Walking in the rain 16. Castle in the air 17. Su.. 2020. 10. 16.
다이아몬드 에이스 ost 1 (Ace of Diamond Original Soundtrack 1) 다이아몬드 에이스 ost 1 (Ace of Diamond Original Soundtrack 1) ​ 01. Grow stronger day by day -Theme of Sawamura- 02. Windy zone -Theme of Furuya- 03. Diamond gazer -Theme of Miyuki #1- 04. Keen eyed player -Theme of Miyuki #2- 05. Walk the wire 06. Innocent sky 07. Gloves on the bench 08. Over the horizon 09. Way to success 10. The sky is the limit! 11. Wings of hope 12. Glorious victory 13. Invisible .. 2020. 10. 16.