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폴아웃: 런던 ost (Fallout: London Original Soundtrack) 폴아웃: 런던 ost (Fallout: London Original Soundtrack)​001. Ol' Blighty (Cinematic Mix)002. London Falling (feat. Kyle Downes)003. Lewisham004. Sceptred Slaughter Movement One005. Sceptred Slaughter Movement Two006. Angel007. Buckingham Palace (feat. Kyle Downes)008. She's Cold at Heart (feat. Jordan Albon)009. Bromley010. The Wayfarer011. Vagabond (feat. Kyle Downes)012. Veins (feat. Jordan Albon)01.. 2024. 10. 25.
폴아웃 ost (Fallout Original Amazon Series Soundtrack) 폴아웃 ost (Fallout Original Amazon Series Soundtrack)​01. Brotherhood of Steel (Full Version)02. The Ghoul03. Ice Cream and Apple Pie04. Vault 3305. Artifact06. Shady Sands07. Feo Fuerte y Formal08. Rebuild Together09. Surface Dweller Tradition10. Golden Rule11. Are You Compromised12. I Hate It Up Here13. Bringing Order to the Wasteland14. Management15. Vault-Tec16. Think About the Future17. All t.. 2024. 5. 7.
폴아웃 76 강철 새벽 ost (Fallout 76 Steel Dawn Original Game Score) 폴아웃 76 강철 새벽 ost (Fallout 76 Steel Dawn Original Game Score) ​ 01. Steel Dawn Main Theme 02. Homecoming 03. Descent 04. Dawn Patrol 05. Into the Unknown 06. Darkness into Light 07. Atlas 08. In Our Midst 09. Wildwood 10. Lying in Wait 11. A New Dawn 12. Valor 13. Respite 14. Uncertain Rest 15. Mission 16. Something Lurking 17. M.I.A ​ ​ 파일 이름 : F76SD.17 2021. 2. 25.
폴아웃 76 웨이스트랜더 ost (Fallout 76 Wastelanders Original Game Score) 폴아웃 76 웨이스트랜더 ost (Fallout 76 Wastelanders Original Game Score) ​ 01. Wastelanders Main Theme 02. Wayward Souls 03. Strength in Numbers 04. Foundation 05. Wandering Appalachia - Part 7 06. Stay Clear of the Space Station 07. Appalachia Has Changed 08. What Kind of Future 09. Stick Together 10. The Crater 11. Whisper a Story 12. All That Glitters 13. Wandering Appalachia - Part 8 14. Follow Me 15.. 2020. 5. 29.
폴아웃 3 ost (Fallout 3 Original Game Soundtrack) 폴아웃 3 ost (Fallout 3 Original Game Soundtrack) ​ 01. Main Title 02. New World, New Order 03. Lockstep 04. Price of Honor 05. Fortress 06. Unwelcome Guest 07. Ambush 08. Never Surrender 09. Metal on Metal 10. Behemoth 11. Think Fast, Shoot Faster 12. Chance to Hit 13. Forgotten 14. Clues in the Darkness 15. No Way out but Through 16. Out of Service 17. The Ferals 18. Gotta Start Somewhere 19. Old.. 2020. 5. 29.
폴아웃 76 ost (Fallout 76 Original Game Score) 폴아웃 76 ost (Fallout 76 Original Game Score) ​ 01. Main Theme 02. Reclamation Day 03. You Must Rebuild 04. Invisible Ghosts 05. Find Me There 06. The Mole Miners 07. Contact! 08. You Can’t Hide Forever 09. Wandering Appalachia – Part I 10. Burn Away the Mist 11. The Wind and the Reeds 12. The Savage Divide 13. Blackwater 14. Pest Control 15. Facing Myths 16. Wandering Appalachia – Part II 17. Gat.. 2020. 1. 23.
폴아웃 4: 파 하버 & 누카 월드 ost (Fallout 4: Music from Far Harbor & Nuka World Original Game Soundtrack) 폴아웃 4: 파 하버 & 누카 월드 ost (Fallout 4: Music from Far Harbor & Nuka World Original Game Soundtrack) ​ 01. Welcome to Far Harbor 02. Song for the Fog 03. Lifting the Gloom 04. Atom’s Whisper 05. Lost Memories 06. Of Dusk and Dreams 07. Call of Acadia 08. Moonlit Ranging 09. Tale of Oak and Elm 10. Wander the Children 11. Shadows of the Sea 12. The Gulch 13. A Galaxy Apart 14. Great Outdoors 15. Summ.. 2020. 1. 23.
폴아웃: 뉴베가스 ost (Fallout: New Vegas Original Game Soundtrack) 폴아웃: 뉴베가스 ost (Fallout: New Vegas Original Game Soundtrack) ​ 01. Main Title 02. The Doctor Is In 03. Howdy Pardner 04. Wasteland Justice 05. Mutant Massacre 06. No Rest for These Bones 07. Industrial De-Evolution 08. Not My Vault 09. Primm and Proper 10. Knock on My Cazador 11. Jacobstown Ladder 12. CCC Doesn’t Work for Free 13. Marcus Needs a Favor 14. Mountaintop Movement 15. Beneath the Stre.. 2020. 1. 23.
폴아웃 택틱스 ost (Fallout Tactics Original Soundtrack) 폴아웃 택틱스 ost (Fallout Tactics Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Battle with Critters 02. Battle with Ghouls 03. Battle with Raiders 04. Battle with Reavers 05. Battle with Robots 06. Battle with Supermutants 07. Battle with Tribals 08. Enviroment Brotherhood of Steel 09. Enviroment CAL 10. Enviroment DES 11. Enviroment FAC 12. Enviroment MNT 13. Enviroment URB 14. Enviroment Worldmap 15. Main Menu 16. T.. 2020. 1. 23.
폴아웃 2 ost (Fallout 2 Original Soundtrack) 폴아웃 2 ost (Fallout 2 Original Soundtrack) ​ 00. A Kiss to Build a Dream On 01. Trader’s Life 02. Moribund World 03. Khans of New California 04. Desert Wind 05. Vats of Goo 06. City of Lost Angels 07. Industrial Junk 08. Underground Troubles 09. City of the Dead 10. Follower’s Credo 11. Beyond the Canyon 12. Dream Town 13. Biggest Little City in the World 14. My Chrysalis Highwayman 15. Many Cont.. 2020. 1. 22.
폴아웃 ost (Fallout Original Soundtrack) 폴아웃 ost (Fallout Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Maybe 02. Vault 13 03. World Map 04. Shady Sands 05. Caverns 06. Raiders 07. Junktown 08. The Hub 09. City of the Dead 10. L.A. Boneyard 11. The Brotherhood of Steel 12. The Glow 13. Desert 14. Children of the Cathedral 15. Followers of the Apocalypse 16. The Master 17. The Vats ​ ​ 파일 이름 : F.17 2020. 1. 22.
폴아웃 4 ost (Fallout 4 Original Game Soundtrack) 폴아웃 4 ost (Fallout 4 Original Game Soundtrack) 01. Main Theme 02. The Commonwealth 03. Of Green and Grey 04. Portal to the Past 05. Standoff 06. Combat Ready 07. Deeper and Darker 08. Wandering - The Blasted Forest, Pt. 1 09. Brightness Calling 10. Of the People, for the People 11. Hope Remains 12. Wandering - The Blasted Forest, Pt. 2 13. Predator and Prey 14. War in the Wastes 15. Time to Die .. 2019. 12. 6.