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Alan Wake3

앨런 웨이크 2 ost (Alan Wake II Original Soundtrack) 앨런 웨이크 2 ost (Alan Wake II Original Soundtrack)​01. Vertical Reflections02. Slaughtering a Nightingale03. Driving to the Spot04. This Road (The Mirror is a Trap – Alan Wake 2)05. Manuscript Page06. Plotboard, Alleys and a Few Dead Bodies07. Driving Around Washington State08. Writer’s Writings09. This Road (The Dark Chamber – Alan Wake 2)10. Nightingale Wakes Up11. Saga12. Rose13. A Ritual and An.. 2024. 6. 20.
앨런 웨이크 아메리칸 나이트메어 ost (Alan Wake American Nightmare Original Score) 앨런 웨이크 아메리칸 나이트메어 ost (Alan Wake American Nightmare Original Score) ​ 01. So Cold His Heart 02. My Eyes Or His 03. Revenge In My Arms Again 04. American Nightmares (The Theme) 05. Nailgun, Pistol, Shotgun, ANYTHING 06. Spiders 07. My Evil Thoughts 08. Itching 09. American Nightmares (The Demo) 10. Emma 11. Rachel 12. Serena 13. Funny How Things They Turn ​ ​ 파일 이름 : AWAN.13 2020. 1. 22.
앨런 웨이크 ost (Alan Wake Original Score) 앨런 웨이크 ost (Alan Wake Original Score) ​ 01. Alan Wake 02. A Writer’s Dream 03. Welcome to Bright Falls 04. Vacation 05. Cross That River 06. Waking Up to a Nightmare 07. The Clicker 08. Deerfest 09. Taken by the Night 10. On the Run 11. Mirror Peak 12. Tom the Diver 13. The Night It All Began 14. Bright Falls Light & Power 15. Hunters 16. The Well-Lit Room 17. Water Pressure 18. Departure ​ ​ 파일.. 2020. 1. 22.