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Music 30/Game

월드 오브 워크래프트 ost (World of Warcraft Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2019. 11. 15.

월드 오브 워크래프트 ost (World of Warcraft Soundtrack)


01. Legends of Azeroth

02. The Shaping of the World

03. Legacy

04. Song of Elune

05. Echoes of the Past

06. A Call to Arms

07. Seasons of War

08. Stormwind

09. Orgrimmar

10. The Undercity

11. Thunder Bluff

12. Darnassus

13. Ironforge

14. Elwynn Forest

15. Duskwood

16. Dun Morogh

17. Burning Steppes

18. Shimmering Flats

19. Felwood

20. Stranglethorn Vale

21. Tanaris

22. Teldrassil

23. Tavern

24. Moonfall

25. Ruins

26. Temple

27. Lurking

28. Sacred

29. Graveyard

30. War



파일 이름 : WOWO.30

