월드 오브 워크래프트 리치 왕의 분노 ost (World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Soundtrack)
01. Wrath of the Lich KIng (Main Title)
02. Dragons' Rest
03. Arthas, My Son (Cinematic Intro)
04. Path of Tears
05. Crystalsong
06. Dalaran
07. God Hunters
08. Forged In Blood
09. Mountains of Thunder
10. Secrets Long Forgotten
11. The Kalu'ak
12. The Eye of Eternity
13. Garden of Life
14. The Culling
15. Howling Fjord
16. Rise of the Vrykul
17. Borean Tundra
18. Totems of the Grizzlemaw
19. The Wrath Gate
20. Angrathar's Shadow
21. Assault on New Avalon
파일 이름 : WOWWLK.21