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Music 3/Game

메트로 2033 ost (Metro 2033 Original Videogame Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2019. 11. 26.

메트로 2033 ost (Metro 2033 Original Videogame Soundtrack)


01. Metro 2033 Main Theme

02. The Anomaly

03. The Market

04. Haunted Tunnels

05. Ulman And Pavel

06. Hope

07. Guitar Song 1

08. Alone

09. A Dog In The Boiler

10. The Search

11. Lost Tunnels

12. Propaganda Tune

13. The Dead City

14. Emptiness

15. Riga

16. Fresh Air

17. One Step To The Horizon

18. Guitar Song 2

19. Toxic

20. The Chase

21. Ghost Tunnel

22. What's That Sound?

23. Trolley Combat

24. Guitar Song 3

25. The Hole

26. The Tower

27. Missles Are Flying

28. Dont Forget

29. End Credits (Bad Ending)

30. End Credits (Good Ending)



파일 이름 : M.30

