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Music 3/Game

메트로 라스트 라이트 ost (Metro Last Light Original Soundtrack)

by 말랑카우 ost 2019. 11. 26.

메트로 라스트 라이트 ost (Metro Last Light Original Soundtrack)


01. 2033

02. Redemption

03. D6 Sixstring

04. Sparta

05. The Doors of D6

06. The Doors of D6 Alt

07. The Old Law

08. Reich1

09. Escape

10. Chase

11. On the Ground!

12. Wounded

13. Echoes

14. Found a Shotgun

15. Cabaret I

16. Cabaret II

17. Cabaret III

18. Metro Blues

19. Metro Sax

20. Redline Marching Song

21. Anomaly

22. Stalking

23. Regina

24. Venice Vices

25. Private Dance

26. Pavel

27. Sundown

28. No One Walks Here

29. The Prisoner

30. Dark Child

31. River of Fate

32. Dead Red Square

33. Corpses

34. The Forest

35. Ghosts

36. Drums

37. Sparta II

38. Last Stand

39. Piano Theme

40. Enter the Metro

41. Artyom’s Tape

42. Menu Theme

43. Beyond the Nightmares (Bonus Track)

44. Faster (Bonus Track)

45. Lie (Bonus Track)

46. My Hate (Bonus Track)



파일 이름 : MLL.46

