728x90 Music 15/Game27 데스 스트랜딩 - 노래 ost (Death Stranding Songs from the Video Game) 데스 스트랜딩 - 노래 ost (Death Stranding Songs from the Video Game) 01. Don't Be So Serious 02. Bones 03. Easy Way Out 04. Poznan 05. Asylums for the Feeling 06. Once in a Long, Long While 07. St. Eriksplan 08. Death Stranding 09. Please Don't Stop Chapter 1 10. Because We Have To 11. Waiting (10 Years) 12. Almost Nothing 13. Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 14. Nobody Else 15. The Machine 16. Anything You .. 2020. 2. 6. 어 햇 인 타임 B-Side ost (A Hat in Time B-Side Soundtrack) 어 햇 인 타임 B-Side ost (A Hat in Time B-Side Soundtrack) 01. Main Theme (Remix) VGR 02. Through Time and Space (Main Theme Remix) Gario 03. Scootin' Through My Subconscious Mind (Scootin' Through Subcon Forest Remix) Chimpazilla 04. I Am Bird (You Are Now Legally a Bird Remix) Theory Of N 05. Picture Perfect B-Side (Remix) Pascal Michael Stiefel 06. Scootin' Thru Mafia Town (Remix) LongBoxofChoco.. 2020. 2. 6. 프레이 ost (Prey Original Game Soundtrack) 프레이 ost (Prey Original Game Soundtrack) 01. The Experiment 02. Everything Is Going to Be Okay 03. Typhon Voices 04. The Phantoms 05. Into the Tunnels 06. Human Elements 07. The Truth Will Set You Free 08. No Gravity 09. Alex Theme 10. December and January 11. Neuromods 12. Stranded 13. Semi Sacred Geometry 14. Mind Games 파일 이름 : P.14 2020. 2. 3. 이전 1 2 3 다음 728x90