728x90 Music 12/Movie42 터미네이터: 다크 페이트 ost (Terminator: Dark Fate Music from the Motion Picture) 터미네이터: 다크 페이트 ost (Terminator: Dark Fate Music from the Motion Picture) 01. Terminated 02. My Name Is Dani 03. REV 9 04. Iron Spike 05. Enter Sarah 06. Grace 07. Drones Coming 08. The Wall 09. Terminator 10. Coyote 11. The Picture on the Fridge 12. C5 13. HUMV 14. You Saved Me 15. Screaming Turbines 16. For John 17. Epilogue 18. Dark Fate 파일 이름 : TDF.18 2020. 1. 17. 터미네이터 제니시스 ost (Terminator Genisys Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 터미네이터 제니시스 ost (Terminator Genisys Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) CD 1 01. Better Days 02. Meet John Connor 03. Work Camp Speech 04. 1984 05. I Volunteer 06. Reese Going Back 07. Reese Arrives 08. Griffith Park 09. Alley Confrontation 10. Meet Sarah Connor 11. Meet Pops 12. Flashback #2 13. T1000 On The Prowl 14. Old Not Obsolete 15. Still After Us 16. 1997 or 2017 17. Alcove 18. Sarah-Re.. 2020. 1. 17. 터미네이터: 미래전쟁의 시작 ost (Terminator: Salvation Original Soundtrack) 터미네이터: 미래전쟁의 시작 ost (Terminator: Salvation Original Soundtrack) 01. Opening 02. All Is Lost 03. Broadcast 04. The Harvester Returns 05. Fireside 06. No Plan 07. Reveal – The Escape 08. Hydrobot Attack 09. Farewell 10. Marcus Enters Skynet 11. A Solution 12. Serena 13. Final Confrontation 14. Salvation 15. Rooster 파일 이름 : TS.15 2020. 1. 17. 터미네이터 3 : 라이즈 오브 더 머신 ost (Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machine Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 터미네이터 3 : 라이즈 오브 더 머신 ost (Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machine Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 01. A Day In the Life 02. Hooked On Multiphonics 03. Blonde Behind The Wheel 04. JC Theme 05. Starting T1 06. Hearse Rent A Car 07. Tx's Hot Tail 08. Graveyard Shootout 09. More Deep Thoughts 10. Dual Terminator 11. Kicked In The Can 12. Magnetic Personality 13. Termina-Tricks 14. Flying Lessons 15... 2019. 11. 12. 터미네이터 ost (Terminator The Definite Editon Complete Motion Picture Score) 터미네이터 ost (Terminator The Definite Editon Complete Motion Picture Score) 01. Theme From -The Terminator- 02. -The Terminator- Main Title 03. The Terminator`s Arrival 04. Reese Chased 05. Sarah On Her Motorbike 06. Gun Shop- Reese In Alley 07. Sarah In The Bar 08. Tech Noir-Alley Chase 09. Garage Chase 10. Arm & Eye Surgery 11. Police Station- Escape From Police Station 12. Future Flashback- Term.. 2019. 11. 12. 터미네이터 2 : 심판의 날 ost (Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 터미네이터 2 : 심판의 날 ost (Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 01 Main Title from 'Terminator 2' 02 Sarah on the Run 03 Escape from the Hospital (And T1000) 04 Desert Suite 05 Sarah's Dream (Nuclear Nightmare) 06 Attack on Dyson (Sarah's Solution) 07 Our Gang Goes to Cyberdyne 08 Trust Me 09 John & Dyson into Vault 10 Swat Team Attack 11 I'll Be Back 12 Helicopter Chase 13 .. 2019. 11. 12. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음 728x90