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Music 20/Game93

엘더스크롤 온라인 하이 아일 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Official Soundtrack) 엘더스크롤 온라인 하이 아일 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Official Soundtrack) ​ 01. Virtue, Betrayal, and the True Way 02. Sailing into Gonfalon Bay 03. Dawn at Castle Navire 04. All Flags, Sails Full 05. Oak, Albatross, and Iron 06. Bendu Olo’s Shadow 07. Through Sunflower Fields 08. Trekking Skulltooth Coast 09. Alone in the Green 10. Flashing Blades, Banners Unfurled 11. Beneath the Skin of t.. 2022. 9. 9.
스트레인저 오브 파라다이스 파이널 판타지 오리진 ost (Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Original Soundtrack) 스트레인저 오브 파라다이스 파이널 판타지 오리진 ost (Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Jack’s Theme 02. Garland 03. Where It Begins – Motif from “Chaos Shrine” 04. Battle- The Warrior in the Darkness 05. Battle- The Warrior 06. Where Hope Fails 07. Revolving Fate – Motif from “Chaos Shrine” 08. Chaos’s Theme 09. Battle- Chaos Advent 10. Battle- False Knight – Motif from “Battl.. 2022. 4. 22.
파이널 판타지 14: 효월의 종언 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 14: 효월의 종언 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Endwalker - Footfalls 02. 暁月のプレリュード 03. 知恵の水瓶 ~オールド・シャーレアン:昼~ 04. 語り継がれる言葉 05. いつの日かきっと ~暁月~ 06. 知恵の巻貝 ~オールド・シャーレアン:夜~ 07. 迷宮 ~ラヴィリンソス:昼~ 08. 上り階段をくだれ ~星海観測 逆さの塔~ 09. 抗戦 10. 迷夢 ~ラヴィリンソス:夜~ 11. 微笑む幽霊 12. 神々の訓え ~サベネア島:昼~ 13. 落日の都 ~ラザハン~ 14. ゾットの塔 ~暁月~ 15. 震える刃 16. 人々の祈り ~サベネア島:夜~ 17. 白雪と黒鉄 ~ガレマルド:昼~ 18. 護るべき営み 19. 帰らん、.. 2022. 2. 28.
파이널 판타지 브레이브 엑스비어스 ost 3 (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Original Soundtrack Vol.3) 파이널 판타지 브레이브 엑스비어스 ost 3 (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Original Soundtrack Vol.3) ​ CD 1 01. United We Stand 02. Mystic Railway 03. Blue Moon 04. The Girl with the Blue Mask 05. Something Lost 06. Something's Amiss 07. An Eerie Quiet 08. A Little Chat 09. Inescapable Clash 10. Keepers of the Void 11. Survivor Syndrome 12. Baroque Corrosion 13. White Maelstrom 14. Terminal ​ CD 2 01. Journey's End .. 2022. 2. 18.
파이널 판타지 브레이브 엑스비어스 ost 2 (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Original Soundtrack Vol.2) 파이널 판타지 브레이브 엑스비어스 ost 2 (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Original Soundtrack Vol.2) ​ CD 1 01. Parallel Star 02. Point of No Return 03. Misgivings 04. Under His Banner 05. Wickedness Afoot 06. Another Tale to Tell 07. Wisdom of the Ages 08. MUSASABI 09. Dawn 10. Call of the Crystal 11. A Climactic Clash 12. Chaotic Darkness 13. Banish the Darkness 14. Gaze of the Abyss 15. Over the Rain Clouds ​ CD .. 2022. 2. 18.
파이널 판타지 브레이브 엑스비어스 ost 1 (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Original Soundtrack Vol.1) 파이널 판타지 브레이브 엑스비어스 ost 1 (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Original Soundtrack Vol.1) ​ CD 1 01. Moment of Recall 02. To the Horizon 03. Into the Labyrinth 04. DUEL!! 05. Victory's Fanfare 06. Peaceful Village 07. Not of This World 08. Rain in Forest 09. The Ancient Life 10. The Initiation 11. Monument Valley 12. Supreme Mission 13. Devided We Fall 14. The Emergency 15. Onslaught 16. The Suspicion 17... 2022. 2. 18.
파이널 판타지 14: 여명의 사투 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Death Unto Dawn Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 14: 여명의 사투 ost (Final Fantasy XIV: Death Unto Dawn Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. ローカス (Duality) ~機工城アレキサンダー:起動編~ 02. メタル:ブルートジャスティスモード (Journeys) ~機工城アレキサンダー:律動編~ 03. ライズ (Journeys) ~機工城アレキサンダー:天動編~ 04. メビウス (Orchestral Version) ~機工城アレキサンダー:天動編~ 05. 戦士の守勢 ~PvPフロントライン~ 06. 戦士の攻勢 ~PvPフロントライン~ 07. リェー・メグの門 08. 花の館 ~魔法宮殿 グラン・コスモス~ 09. 名も無き者たちの情熱 ~蒼天街復興~ 10. スターライト de チョコボ 11. スターライト de チョコボ? 12.. 2021. 10. 28.
엘더 스크롤: 블레이드 ost (The Elder Scrolls Blades Original Game Soundtrack) 엘더 스크롤: 블레이드 ost (The Elder Scrolls Blades Original Game Soundtrack) ​ 01. The Elder Scrolls Blades Main Theme 02. Coming Home 03. Darkness in the Light 04. A Worthy Foe 05. The Elves of Old 06. Of Stone and Secrets 07. En Garde! 08. Hearthfire 09. A Woodland Tale 10. Glowing Beauty 11. Danger Looms 12. In the Shadows 13. Ancient Fragments 14. Anew 15. Hidden, Hostile 16. Kill or Be Killed 17. T.. 2021. 9. 4.
엘더 스크롤 온라인 블랙우드 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Original Game Soundtrack) 엘더 스크롤 온라인 블랙우드 ost (The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Original Game Soundtrack) ​ 01. Through Gates of Flame 02. Diamond and Root 03. Moss on the Cobblestones 04. Blackfin Triumphant 05. Fields of Nibenay 06. Death in the Shallows 07. Anguish Beyond the Veil 08. Zenithar’s Anvil 09. A White Stallion Rampant 10. The Ivory Aegis 11. Memories of the Marsh 12. Deadlands Suite ​ ​ 파일 이름 : TESOB.12 2021. 7. 30.
파이널 판타지 7 리메이크 인터그레이드 ost (Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Original Soundtrack) 파이널 판타지 7 리메이크 인터그레이드 ost (Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Your Girl Finally Made It! 02. Descendant of Shinobi 03. Descendant of Shinob Battle Edit 04. No Pom 05. Gotta Do Something! 06. Ninjas are Insane 07. Avalanche HQ's Theme 08. Fort Condor 09. Fort Condor- Press the Advantage! 10. Fort Condor - Hold the Line! 11. Fort Condor - Sudden Death 12. Fort Cond.. 2021. 6. 27.
파이널 판타지 7 리메이크 플러스 ost (Final Fantasy VII REMAKE Original Soundtrack Plus) 파이널 판타지 7 리메이크 플러스 ost (Final Fantasy VII REMAKE Original Soundtrack Plus) ​ 001. 爆破ミッション -潜入- 002. 不安な心 -偽りの記憶- 003. 黒い羽根 004. 接触 005. フィーラー襲来 006. 予兆 007. RUN RUN RUN inst. 008. RUN RUN RUN chill 009. 不穏な気配 010. 夜空のパラシュート 011. 急げ! TimeUp Ver. 012. 急げ! Success Ver. 013. 苛立つハイデッカー 014. ぜんぶ大キライ 015. 窮地のネズミ 016. 闘う者達 -なんでも屋の仕事- 017. 伍番魔晄炉 018. 魔晄を浴びた者の目 019. エアバスター 020. 転落 021. 教会の逃走劇 022. 屋根裏の静寂 .. 2021. 1. 28.
디시디아 파이널 판타지 NT ost 3 (Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Original Soundtrack Vol.3) 디시디아 파이널 판타지 NT ost 3 (Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Original Soundtrack Vol.3) ​ CD 1 01. Chaos Shrine from FINAL FANTASY (NT Arrangement) 02. Battle Theme 2 from FINAL FANTASY II (NT Arrangement) 03. This is the Last Battle from FINAL FANTASY III (NT Arrangement) 04. Battle 2 from FINAL FANTASY IV (NT Arrangement) 05. The Dawn Warriors from FINAL FANTASY V (Arrangement) 06. The Airship Blackjack f.. 2021. 1. 28.