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Music 38/Game22

워프레임 1999 ost (Warframe 1999 Official Soundtrack)​ 워프레임 1999 ost (Warframe 1999 Official Soundtrack)​01. The Call02. Numb03. See It In The Flesh04. Cut Through05. Pick a Side06. Infection07. Rotten Lives08. Arsenal09. Core Containment10. Shut It Down11. PARTY OF YOUR LIFETIME12. THE GREAT DESPAIR​​W1999.12 2025. 3. 26.
스타워즈: 아웃로 ost (Star Wars: Outlaws Original Video Game Soundtrack) 스타워즈: 아웃로 ost (Star Wars: Outlaws Original Video Game Soundtrack)​01. Kay Vess, The Outlaw02. The Underworld and the Thief03. Canto Bight Worker's District04. Time to Go, Kay05. Zerek Besh06. Luck and a Casino Chip07. The Trailblazer08. Death Mark ~ Welcome to Toshara09. Toshara, The Amberine Savanna10. Mirogana City11. The Pyke Syndicate12. Jaylen Vrax13. The Empire vs The Outlaw14. Leaving Jau.. 2024. 10. 25.
워프레임 ost 2 (Warframe Original Soundtrack II) 워프레임 ost 2 (Warframe Original Soundtrack II) ​ CD 1 01. Sleeping in the Cold Below 02. Brothers Dead, Only Kahl 03. Veso Dash R 04. Ave Luscinia 05. Final Stand 06. Coldwave 07. Aurax 08. Empyrean 09. Hybrid Abominations 10. Swazdo-Lah ​ CD 2 01. For Narmer 02. Sunkiller 03. Let’s Get into Trouble 04. The Offering 05. Smiles from Juran 06. Bad Moon 07. The Veil 08. Your Creator 09. Mother Awaits.. 2023. 11. 1.
워프레임 ost 1 (Warframe Original Soundtrack I) 워프레임 ost 1 (Warframe Original Soundtrack I) ​ 01. This Is What You Are 02. Hunhow 03. The Second Dream 04. Wretched Things 05. Ghosts Of Void 06. Corrupted 07. Derelicts 08. The Creeping Dark 09. Archwing 10. Wings Of War 11. The Witches Lair 12. Red Broth 13. Origin System 14. Vor's Prize 15. Corpus Greed 16. March Of The Moa 17. Our Disease 18. Consume Us 19. Grineer Onslaught 20. The Profit 2.. 2023. 11. 1.
페이스 언홀리 트리니티 ost (FAITH - The Unholy Trinity Original Soundtrack) 페이스 언홀리 트리니티 ost (FAITH - The Unholy Trinity Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. HalcyonicFalconX - Vs Mode (Not Approved By The Vatican Version) 02. Monk - Eventide Catechismus Version 03. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (MORTIS Version) 04. Sabbath of a Witch's Dream 05. Mortis 06. Gary ​ CD 2 01. Satie - Gnossienne (Cemetery and Cornfield) 02. Candy Tunnel 03. They Are Mine Forever 04. Sanctum 05. I.. 2023. 10. 23.
로드 오브 더 폴른 ost (Lords of the Fallen Original Soundtrack) 로드 오브 더 폴른 ost (Lords of the Fallen Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Aphotic Judgement 02. In Light We Walk 03. Mournstead Withers 04. Orian Ascendance 05. Call to War 06. Warmaster 07. Archnemesis 08. Stigmata 09. Hallowed Punisher 10. Maw of Faith 11. Rotting Whispers 12. Deathless Duty 13. Fiery Malice 14. Bloodletter 15. Molten Heart 16. Seething Dread 17. The Unbroken Promise 18. Blinding Faith 1.. 2023. 10. 18.
페이트/사무라이 렘넌트 ost (Fate/Samurai Remnant Original Soundtrack) 페이트/사무라이 렘넌트 ost (Fate/Samurai Remnant Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Transitory Ties 02. On a Waxing Moon Night 03. Usual Scabbard 04. Usual Scabbard - Battlefield 05. Dignified 06. Two Swords, Flashing 07. Flowers Come, Flowers Go 08. Heavensplit -Roaming Chronicles- 09. Confronting Rivals 10. Board Fighting 11. Shogun's Headquarters 12. Bloody Wind -Samurai Remnant ver.- 13. Two Swords to Inherit.. 2023. 10. 13.
더 코마 2: 비셔스 시스터즈 ost (The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters) 더 코마 2: 비셔스 시스터즈 ost (The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters) ​ 01. Night Classes 02. Sehwa Cafe 03. The Witching Hour 04. Strange Happenings 05. Dark Song 06. Seoul Noire 07. Old Secrets 08. The Goblin Market 09. Dokkaebi Magick 10. The Butcher 11. Deadly Pursuit 12. Songreung Station 13. Sehwa Hospital 14. Bloodlust 15. Bittersweet Reunion 16. Old School 17. The Notemen 18. Buried Sorrow 19. Happy Hearts.. 2023. 10. 13.
더 코마: 리컷 ost (The Coma: Recut Original Soundtrack) 더 코마: 리컷 ost (The Coma: Recut Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Phobia 02. In School 03. Where Am I 04. Is Anybody There 05. Safe Space 06. Chase 07. Poison 08. Study Time 09. Underground 10. Obsession 11. Maze 12. The Freezer 13. Dissonance 14. Broken Dreams 15. Bloodlust 16. Rooftop View 17. Apocalypse 18. You Are Dead 19. Ghost Vigilante Rising 20. Flatline 21. Ascension ​ ​ CR.21 2023. 10. 13.
엑소프라이멀 ost (Exoprimal Original Soundtrack) 엑소프라이멀 ost (Exoprimal Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Exoprimal Main Theme 02. Title 03. Exofighters Wanted 04. Character Creation & Tutorial 05. Bikitoa Island, 2043 06. First Wargame 07. Magnum's Coin 08. The First Trip Back 09. Exosuit Carrier Home Menu 10. Spacetime Rift 11. Mission Downtown 12. Special Mission Downtown 13. Dinosaur Outbreak 14. Magnum Lays It Out 15. Exosuit Carrier Wargame.. 2023. 10. 4.
엔 이노센스 ost (N-INNOCENCE Original Soundtrack) 엔 이노센스 ost (N-INNOCENCE Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. N 02. Kadasu 03. Midgard 04. Tousou 05. Shi to Sei no Enkan 06. Sunbeams 07. Dark Clouds 08. Schwert -Theme of Schwertleite- 09. 800Man no Toorimichi 10. Hyakka Ryouran 11. Tsukuyomi On Stage 12. Tsukuyomi On Stage Inst Ver 13. Everyday 14. Breaking Dawn 15. Scar 16. Bright 17. Riki -Theme of Amenokoyane- 18. Ⅽalm 19. Kunpuu 20. Aerial 21. Godde.. 2023. 10. 4.
코드 오브 조커 ost (Code of Joker Original Soundtrack - Sound of Arcana) 코드 오브 조커 ost (Code of Joker Original Soundtrack - Sound of Arcana) ​ 01. Terminal Storm 02. Sickle of conviction 03. Bloom on the battlefield 04. In to a cyberworld 05. Shine radiantly 06. Black artist 07. Electronic brain 08. Full metal jacket 09. Feast of the underworld 10. Start up 11. Innate ability 12. CODE OF JOKER -Opening Ver.2.0- 13. For My Valentine 14. Quiet Madness 15. Cyber base 16... 2023. 9. 22.