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샤리의 아틀리에 ~황혼 바다의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea Original Soundtrack) 샤리의 아틀리에 ~황혼 바다의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Rusty Sky 02. Departing Water 03. Girl of the White Sands 04. Alchemist on a Ship 05. Explain! 06. Sea of Sand -Shallistera- 07. Stella -Part 1- 08. Until My Task is Complete 09. Let's Have a Leisurely Chat 10. Abundant City of Water 11. Girl of the Blue Sky and Brooms 12. Humming in the Ateli.. 2021. 5. 19.
에스카 & 로지의 아틀리에 ~황혼 하늘의 연금술사~ 애니메이션 ost (Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemist of Dusk Sky Original Soundtrack the Animation) 에스카 & 로지의 아틀리에 ~황혼 하늘의 연금술사~ 애니메이션 ost (Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemist of Dusk Sky Original Soundtrack the Animation) ​ CD 1 01. アスイロ 02. 霞む記憶に温もりを 03. 朝のワルツ 04. 転寝の陽光 05. 新しい匂い 06. お紅茶を飲みながら 07. Wind of Hope ~希望の風~ 08. 歩いてゆこう 09. 風の揺りかご 10. 森と水と光 11. また明日会いましょう 12. 憧憬 13. まだ見ぬ素材を集めに 14. 黄昏の風 15. 晴れ時々雨 16. お散歩日和 17. 街角の微笑み 18. 遺跡探索 19. 迫り来る危機感 20. 依頼遂行 21. 揺れる尻尾 22. 予兆 23. 微睡む女王蜂 24. ふわふわ、エスカさん.. 2021. 5. 19.
에스카 & 로지의 아틀리에 ~황혼 하늘의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Original Soundtrack) 에스카 & 로지의 아틀리에 ~황혼 하늘의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Milk-Colored Pass -OP size- 02. A Promise (Piano ver.) 03. Autumn Collapse 04. The Red Sky 05. All Under One Sky 06. Pavane 07. I Am Legion 08. Faster Than Light 09. Fulcrum 10. Magnum Opus 11. Look Up To the Sky 12. Apple Tree 13. Would You Like an Apple 14. Resting Wings 15. A Flo.. 2021. 5. 19.
아샤의 아틀리에 ~황혼 대지의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk Original Soundtrack) 아샤의 아틀리에 ~황혼 대지의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Hanashirunbe (Full Ver.) 02. Flower Offerings 03. Guidance 04. Reminiscent Hill 05. Sleeping Land 06. Illusion 07. Journey to the New World 08. Alluring Flower - Spring 09. Dry Valley Rain 10. Sylpheed 11. Break at the Plaza 12. Excavate Polka 13. Today is Still Today 14. Flower-Scented Forest 15. R.. 2021. 5. 19.
메루루의 아틀리에 ~알란드의 연금술사 3~ ost (Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland Original Soundtrack) 메루루의 아틀리에 ~알란드의 연금술사 3~ ost (Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Cadena 02. Cloudy 03. Little Crown 04. Alchemist Girl Meruru's Song 05. Metro 06. Cadena (OP Edit) 07. Cadena (Off Vocal) 08. Cadena (Instrumental) 09. Cloudy (Game Edit) 10. Cloudy (Off Vocal) 11. Cloudy (Instrumental) 12. Little Crown (Game Edit) 13. Little Crown (Off Vocal) 14. Little Crown (.. 2021. 5. 19.
토토리의 아틀리에 ~알란드의 연금술사 2~ ost (Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland Original Soundtrack) 토토리의 아틀리에 ~알란드의 연금술사 2~ ost (Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Pilgrimage 02. Guidance 03. Sea Breeze 04. Let’s Play 05. Drawn to the Waves 06. In Her Footsteps 07. Yellow Zone 08. I Can Still Walk 09. In Her Footsteps - Forest 10. Streaming Sun 11. Tiny Village Shop 12. Fruit Tomato 13. I Can Make This 14. Atelier Totori 15. Easygoing 16. Freakishly Strong.. 2021. 5. 19.
로로나의 아틀리에 ~알란드의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland Original Soundtrack) 로로나의 아틀리에 ~알란드의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Falling, The Star Light 02. Atelier Rorona - Celtic - 03. Begging for a Story 04. Let's Go Out 05. Entrance to the Palace 06. Unfriendly Mr. Knight 07. The Boisterous Lady 08. Good Morning Rooster 09. Atelier Rorona 10. Oh! Nap Time! 11. Shop Jig 12. Special Menu Is Ready 13. Learned 14. A Walk Thr.. 2021. 5. 19.
애니의 아틀리에 ~세라 섬의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Annie: Alchemist in Sera Island Original Soundtrack) 애니의 아틀리에 ~세라 섬의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Annie: Alchemist in Sera Island Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Friday 02. Too Optimistic 03. Project A 04. Treasure Island Across the Rainbow 05. Citrus 06. Shine, Me 07. Yay! 08. Sunshine Street 09. Island of Light 10. At the Food of a Rainbow 11. Cloud Buster 12. Steady Advance! 13. Rosa Rossa 14. Loads of March 15. Disappointed Elegy 16. Excentric Lollipop 17. H.. 2021. 5. 18.
리즈의 아틀리에 ~올도르의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Lise: Alchemist of O'ldor Original Soundtrack) 리즈의 아틀리에 ~올도르의 연금술사~ ost (Atelier Lise: Alchemist of O'ldor Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Takaramono 02. Okay! Let's Begin 03. Sparkling Workshop 04. The Alchemist Princess 05. Catnap Library 06. A Strong Bond 07. Afternoon Tea Time 08. Let Us Pray 09. The Royal Audience Chambers 10. The Great Sage 11. Pop Shuffle 12. Window Cutter 13. The Parade of the Fairies 14. Morning Glow 15. The Beach T.. 2021. 5. 18.
이리스의 아틀리에: 그랑판타즘 ost (Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm Original Soundtrack) 이리스의 아틀리에: 그랑판타즘 ost (Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. schwarzweiß ~霧の向こうにつながる世界~ (Game Ver.) 02. Hometown Sun 03. Of World and Tradition -Alpha- 04. Of World and Tradition -Omega- 05. Grand Phantasm 06. Magical Worlds 07. Welcome to the Workshop! 08. City on Water 09. Sales from 3. O’clock 10. Where Warriors Gather 11. Days Surrounded by Books 12. Light Through Sta.. 2021. 5. 18.
이리스의 아틀리에: 이터널 마나 2 ost (Atelier Iris 2: Eternal Mana 2 Original Soundtrack) 이리스의 아틀리에: 이터널 마나 2 ost (Atelier Iris 2: Eternal Mana 2 Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Eternal Story (Full version) 02. Bonds 03. Engraved History 04. At the Murmuring Brook 05. Go, Novice Alchemist 06. Continent That Rides the Wind 07. Gentle Breeze and the Earth 08. Tumbling Tree Spirit 09. That Kid's Shop Is Thriving 10. The Journey Continues 11. Blazing Earth 12. Shining Sword 13. Victory I.. 2021. 5. 18.
이리스의 아틀리에: 이터널 마나 ost (Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Original Soundtrack) 이리스의 아틀리에: 이터널 마나 ost (Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Midnight Illusion 02. A Genesis 03. Mama Chaos 04. Forest of Innocence 05. Iris 06. City of Bells 07. Revelation Introduction 08. Flask Boy 09. Shopping in Kavoc 10. Unforeseen Land 11. Moment of Wind 12. Alchemic Blast 13. Winning Shot! 14. Rain Drop Waltz 15. New Power 16. Alchemy and Popo 17. The Name’s Beggur 1.. 2021. 5. 18.