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Mobile Suit Gundam38

기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 04) 기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 04) ​ 01. Sign 02. Calmness 03. Artifice 04. Declaration 05. Situation 06. Memento Mori 07. Recollection 08. Tactics 09. Grief 10. Automaton 11. Comeback 12. Home 13. Invasion 14. Relief 15. Coup D'Etat 16. Tragedy 17. Prayer 18. Resolve 19. 0-Raiser 20. Spirit 21. 00-Raiser 22. Mausurao 23. Trans-Am Raiser 24. Affectionately 25. Scram.. 2020. 4. 8.
기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 03) 기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 03) ​ 01. Unified World 02. Distortion 03. Determination 04. Strike 05. Katharon 06. A-Laws 07. Fighting Forces 08. 00 Gundam 09. Affection 10. Extermination 11. Take-Off 12. Power Attack 13. Repose 14. Agitation 15. Secret Maneuver 16. Threatening Sign 17. The Ballroom 18. Innovator 19. Interception 20. The Devine 21. Restart 22. Ash .. 2020. 4. 8.
기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 02) 기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 02) ​ 01. Imperial Princess 02. Peace 03. Each other 04. Ever 05. Holiday 06. Approach 07. Thirst 08. Seizure 09. Firelight 10. Forward 11. Mortify 12. Expectation 13. Reaction 14. New Moon 15. Despair 16. Sorrow 17. Desert 18. Palace 19. Reason 20. Fight 21. Love Song 22. Separation 23. Uproar 24. Solitude 25. Stratagem 26. Recover 27.. 2020. 4. 8.
기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 01) 기동전사 건담 더블오 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Original Soundtrack 01) ​ 01. Exercise 02. Unknown 03. Alarm Bell 04. Intervention 05. Innovation 06. Power 07. Attack 08. Turn Back 09. Windless 10. Tension 11. Setsuna 12. Union 13. Control 14. Beating 15. Communist Camp 16. Daily 17. League 18. Unrest 19. Crisis 20. Admiration 21. Hallelujah 22. Eyes ​ ​ 파일 이름 : MSG00-1.22 2020. 4. 8.
기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack IV) 기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack IV) ​ 01. Endgame: Anger 02. Endgame: End of the Hazy Sky 03. Endgame: Sword Point, Anxiety and Tears 04. Cries and Hammers 05. Kira, Awakened and Determined 06. Last Major Battle Fleet 07. Light and Shadow 08. Behind the Words... 09. Black Wave 10. Struggle 11. Notification 12. Strange Encounter 13. Hint of the End 14. S.. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack III) 기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack III) ​ 01. New Power and Justice 02. Kira, Leave Your Heart 03. Devil's Contract 04. Sundown 05. Battle Fleet 06. Out of Sight... 07. Breakout 08. End of Madness 09. Runaway 10. Destruction and Despair 11. Obsessive Blow 12. Blade Tip 13. Sinking Fast 14. Courageous Glide 15. Quiet Anger 16. Revenge: Freedom Kills 17. Ste.. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack II) 기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack II) ​ 01. Charge! Impulse 02. Late Start 03. Eve of War 04. Show No Heart 05. Scars of War 06. Fleet Command 07. Opening of Discord 08. Broken Trail 09. Jet Black Space 10. Battle Change 11. Unscalable Wall 12. Troubled Suffering... 13. Screaming Angry Face 14. Shinn Asuka Awakening 15. Temptation 16. Backpack Conversion .. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack I) 기동전사 건담 시드 데스티니 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack I) ​ 01. unmei no tobira 02. minerva take off 03. teisen no hate ni... 04. core sprener lift off 05. shizukesa no toki 06. kantai shutsugen 07. sangeki no daichi 08. kotoba nakushite 09. girty lue navigation 10. gaia x chaos x abyss 11. mission kaishi 12. yami no tsuiseki 13. senka no 16sai 14. mebaeta okori 15. aratana y.. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack IV) 기동전사 건담 시드 ost 4 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack IV) ​ 01. Invoke (TV Opening Version) 02. Quiet Dawn 03. Stand Up! Anger 04. Tactical Turn 05. Moment (TV Edit) 06. Kira's Homework 07. Athrun's Dejection 08. Space Door 09. The End of the Shaking Ground 10. Although We Were Always Together (TV Ending Version) 11. Awakened Heart 12. Selecting Survivors 13. Recovery Fight 14. Believe (.. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack III) 기동전사 건담 시드 ost 3 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack III) ​ 01. Freedom and Justice 02. Effective Blow 03. Shadow of a Doubt 04. Logistics 05. Sinking Dominion 06. End of the Flash 07. Countdown 08. Prophecy of the End 09. Flay's Death 10. Farewell to Tears 11. Strategic Map 12. Complete Resistance 13. Birth Secret 14. Genetic Revelation 15. Flickering Truth 16. Freedom Suicide (Include.. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack II) 기동전사 건담 시드 ost 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack II) ​ 01. Shadow in the Dawn 02. Aerial Positions 03. ZAFT Invasion 04. Concealment 05. Silent Conflict 06. Creeping Stagnation 07. Forward Combat Mission 08. Enemy Aerial Attack 09. Beat 10. Battlefield Determination 11. Invasion 12. Attack Position 13. Void Wave Motion 14. Star of Sorrow 15. Betrayal 16. Prayer for Peace 17. Driftin.. 2020. 3. 16.
기동전사 건담 시드 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack I) 기동전사 건담 시드 ost 1 (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack I) ​ 01. Fly! SEED 02. Although We Were Always Together (TV Size) 03. Gundam Deploys 04. Infiltrating Enemy Territory 05. Decision 06. Impatience 07. Light Sleep 08. Crisis 09. Confused Before the Enemy 10. Sorrow 11. Faint Apprehension 12. Charge 13. Dismay 14. Peaceful Star 15. ZAFT Conspiracy 16. Firing Range 17. Tears 18. Ready fo.. 2020. 3. 16.