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파이어 엠블렘 인게이지 ost (Fire Emblem Engage Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 인게이지 ost (Fire Emblem Engage Original Soundtrack)​CD 101. Emblem Engage!02. 私とエンゲージを03. ファイアーエムブレムのテーマ04. 竜の見た夢05. 微睡の決戦06. 微睡の決戦~昏07. 光の庭園08. 遥かなる聖地09. 遥かなる聖地~閃10. 異形兵11. 星炎け、始まりの紋章士12. エンゲージ13. エレオス大陸史14. 聖地リトス15. 十二の光16. 紋章の試練17. 紋章の試練~星炎18. 親子としての時間19. 継承えよ、聖戦の紋章士20. 聖戦の試練21. 聖戦の試練~継承22. 神、造られしもの23. あかいきおく24. 遥か悠久なる聖地25. 遥か悠久なる聖地~閃26. 急襲27. ゆびきり28. おはようございます、神竜様29. 食卓に紋章を​CD 201. 風咲く.. 2024. 5. 7.
파이어 엠블렘 무쌍 풍화설월 ost (Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 무쌍 풍화설월 ost (Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. 開幕~炎の紋章 02. 陽の当たらぬ夢 03. 色の無い風景 04. フォドラの暁風~戦奏 05. 覚醒~闇暁 06. 悪意と疑念 07. 虚空 08. 前兆 09. 天裂く流星~戦奏 10. 穏やかな日常 11. ガルグ=マク大修道院 12. 明日を求めて 13. 軍靴の道標 14. 嵐は巡る~戦奏 15. 疾駆する絆 16. 薄氷の上で 17. 闇に蠢くもの 18. 意志強固 19. ファイアーエムブレム風花雪月 メインテーマ~戦奏 20. 剛撃~戦奏 21. 剛撃~戦奏(決着) 22. 凶兆の気配 23. 潮流 ​ CD 2 01. 野望の地平~戦奏 02. 赤焔の陣~前編 03. 君想う 04. 戦野を往く.. 2023. 4. 4.
파이어 엠블렘 풍화설월 ost (Fire Emblem Three Houses Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 풍화설월 ost (Fire Emblem Three Houses Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Fire Emblem- Three Houses Main Theme 02. Lady of Hresvelg ~Three Houses~ 03. Revenge 04. The Spirit Dais 05. Fodlan Winds 06. The Archbishop 07. Guardian of Starlight 08. The Officers Academy 09. A Guide for the Future 10. Life at Garreg Mach Monastery 11. As Swift as Wind 12. Dwelling of the Ancient Gods 13. Wrath Strike.. 2021. 3. 12.
파이어 엠블렘 무쌍 ost (Fire Emblem Warriors Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 무쌍 ost (Fire Emblem Warriors Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. The Curtain Rises 02. Fire Emblem Theme 03. Path of Heroes 04. Prologue 05. Beyond the Crisis 06. Woe 07. Through the Darkness 08. Better Places to Take a Nap 09. Prelude (Warm Blaze) 10. The Darkest Shade of Black 11. Conquest (Flames) 12. Tranquility 13. Tactical Map 14. Duty (Deep Blaze) 15. Distrust 16. Chaos (Hellish Blaze.. 2021. 3. 12.
파이어 엠블렘 Echoes 또 하나의 영웅왕 ost (Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 Echoes 또 하나의 영웅왕 ost (Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Title Loop 02. Echoes 03. Fire Emblem Theme 04. An Ordinary Day 05. Spring Radiance 06. Treason 07. Courage in Numbers 08. The Approaching Menace 09. Parting 10. Opening 11. Serenity 12. Uprising 13. Where the Wind Rustles 14. March to Deliverance (Prologue) 15. The Dauntless Blade 16. The Air of.. 2021. 3. 12.
파이어 엠블렘 if ost (Fire Emblem Fates Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 if ost (Fire Emblem Fates Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Lakeside Song 02. Hanging Balance 03. Ties That Bind 04. Endless Nightmare 05. Woleb Tsap 06. Quiet Burn 07. Quiet Burn (Roar) 08. Watery Music Box 09. Dusk Falls 10. Dusk Falls (Fire) 11. Far Dawn 12. Far Dawn (Storm) 13. Grief ​ CD 2 01. Past Light 02. Past Light (Storm) 03. Pale Star 04. Misery in Hand 05. Paradise (Light) 06. .. 2021. 3. 12.
파이어 엠블렘 각성 ost (Fire Emblem Awakening Original Soundtrack) 파이어 엠블렘 각성 ost (Fire Emblem Awakening Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Id (Beginnings) 02. Omen (Main Theme) 03. 'There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know.' 04. Id (Serenity) 05. Prelude 06. Prelude (Ablaze) 07. Assault 08. Assault (Galvanised) 09. 'Gods, have the Risen spread this far' 10. Menace (Intro) 11. Menace 12. 'It appears the capital was spared the chaos.' 13. '.. 2021. 3. 12.