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포켓몬스터 하트골드 · 소울실버 ost (Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 하트골드 · 소울실버 ost (Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Opening Demo02. Title03. Bouken wo hajime you!04. Wakaba Town05. Tsurete iku06. Kotone07. Utsugi kenkyuujo08. Taisetsu na dougu wo moratta!09. 29ban douro10. Sentou! Yasei Pokemon (Jouto)11. Yasei Pokemon ni shouri!12. Level Up!13. Yoshino City14. Tsurete iku 215. Pokemon Center16. Kaifuku17. Shisen! Otoko no.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터DP 디아루가 · 펄기아 ost (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터DP 디아루가 · 펄기아 ost (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Opening Demo02. Opening03. Tokubetsu Bangumi 'Akai Gyaradosu wo Oe!'04. Futaba Town (Hiru)05. Rival06. 201-ban Douro (Hiru)07. Mizuumi08. Mizuumi de Happening!09. Sentou! Yasei Pokemon10. Yasei Pokemon ni Shouri!11. Hikari12. Dougu Get13. Masago Town (Hiru)14. Kenkyuujo15. Tsureteiku16. Pokemon Center (Hiru)17. Kai.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 파이어레드 · 리프그린 ost (Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 파이어레드 · 리프그린 ost (Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Super Music Collection)​CD 101. GameFreak Logo02. Opening Demo03. ~Opening~04. Game Explanation05. Welcome to the World of Pokemon!06. Masara Town Theme07. Dr. Okido08. Okido Research Institute09. Fanfare Pokemon Acquisition10. Rival Appears11. Battle (VS Trainer)12. Victory (VS Trainer)13. Road to Tokiwa - From Masara14. Fanfare Item Get 115.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 루비 · 사파이어 ost (Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 루비 · 사파이어 ost (Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Title Demo 1 (Departure)02. Title Demo 2 (Double Battle)03. Title Demo 3 (Main Theme)04. Opening Selection05. Littleroot Town06. Birch Research Institute07. May (Girl's Theme)08. Help!09. Battle! Wild Pokemon10. Wild Pokemon Defeated!11. Route 10112. Oldale Town13. Pokemon Center14. Recovery15. Look! Little Kid16. Loo.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 레드 · 그린 ost (Pokémon Red & Green Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 레드 · 그린 ost (Pokémon Red & Green Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Title Screen02. Pallet Town Theme03. Professor Oak04. Professor Oak's Laboratory05. A Rival Appears06. Road to Viridian City Leaving Pallet Town07. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)08. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)09. Pewter City Theme10. Pokémon Center11. Pokémon Healed12. Viridian Forest13. Guide14. A Trainer Appears (Girl Version)15. Battl.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 레전드 아르세우스 ost (Pokémon Legends: Arceus Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 레전드 아르세우스 ost (Pokémon Legends: Arceus Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Beginning02. Transition03. Professor Laventon04. Encounter in Hisui05. Obtained a Key Item06. Jubilife Village07. Lightning08. Galaxy Hall09. A Mission Begins10. Obtained a Pokémon11. Battle Person of Hisui12. To a New Place13. Obsidian Fieldlands 1-114. Caught a Pokémon15. Obtained an Item16. Omen of a Battle17. Omen o.. 2022. 2. 23.