포켓몬스터 블랙 2 · 화이트 2 ost (Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Collection)
001. Opening
002. Title Screen
003. An Adventure Is Beginning
004. Aspertia City
005. Bianca's Theme
006. Route 19 (Spring_Summer)
007. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
008. Floccesy Town
009. Floccesy Ranch
010. Rival's Theme
011. Battle! (Rival)
012. Virbank City
013. Virbank City Gym (Performed by Ko
014. Team Plasma Returns
015. Pokéstar Studios
016. Filming Underway at Pokéstar Stud
017. Pokéstar Studios_ Battle
018. Pokéstar Studios_ Glory
019. Pokéstar Studios_ Defeat
020. Pokéstar Studios_ Invasion
021. Pokéstar Studios_ Success
022. Pokéstar Studios_ Retreat
023. Pokéstar Studios_ Weird
024. Pokéstar Studios_ Love
025. Pokéstar Studios_ Sorrow
026. Pokéstar Studios_ Horror
027. Pokéstar Studios_ Purified
028. Pokéstar Studios_ Fear
029. Pokéstar Studios_ Humor
030. Pokéstar Studios_ Despair
031. Pokéstar Studios_ Shock
032. Immortalized in Pokéstar Studios!
033. Castelia Sewers
034. Castelia City Gym
035. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Harlequin)
036. Funfest Mission Start!
037. Unity Tower
038. Colress's Theme
039. Battle! (Trainer Battle)
040. Join Avenue
041. Join Avenue_ Level Up 1
042. Join Avenue_ Level Up 2
043. Join Avenue Meet and Greet!
044. Nimbasa City Gym_ Runway
045. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Beauty)
046. Nimbasa City Gym_ Stage
047. Battle! (Gym Leader)
048. Victory Lies Before You!
049. Driftveil City Gym
050. Pokémon World Tournament (Pwt)
051. The PWT
052. Battle! (Gym Leader—Kanto Version
053. Battle! (Champion—Kanto Version)
054. Battle! (Gym Leader—Johto Version
055. Battle! (Champion—Johto Version)
056. Battle! (Gym Leader—Hoenn Version
057. Battle! (Champion—Hoenn Version)
058. Battle! (Gym Leader—Sinnoh Versio
059. Battle! (Champion—Sinnoh Version)
060. PWT Final Round!
061. Winning in the PWT!
062. PWT Victor!
063. Underground Ruins
064. Battle! (Regirock_Regice_Registee
065. Aboard the Plasma Frigate
066. Zinzolin's Theme
067. Cheren's Theme
068. Mistralton City Gym
069. Earned a Participation Prize Meda
070. Medal Box_ Medal Box Upgraded!
071. Lentimas Town
072. The Road to Reversal Mountain
073. Reversal Mountain (Pokémon Black)
074. Reversal Mountain (Pokémon White)
075. Strange House
076. Battle! (Legendary Pokémon—Sinnoh
077. Opelucid City Gym
078. Opelucid City Attacked!
079. The Frozen City
080. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Plasma)
081. Battle! (Team Plasma)
082. Shadow Triad's Theme
083. Marine Tube
084. Humilau City
085. Humilau City Gym
086. Route 22 (Spring_Summer)
087. Plasma Frigate Sortie
088. Infiltrating the Plasma Frigate!
089. Battle! (Colress)
090. Awakening
091. Confrontation
092. Absorption
093. Fusion
094. Battle! (Black Kyurem_White Kyure
095. Battle! (Ghetsis)
096. Route 23
097. N's Castle
098. N's Room
099. N's Theme
100. Battle! (N)
101. Unova Link
102. Xtransceiver Minigames
103. Xtransceiver_ Game Start!
104. Xtransceiver_ Game Won!
105. Route 19 (Autumn_Winter)
106. Cave of Being
107. Battle! (Azelf_Mesprit_Uxie)
108. Black Tower_ Entrance
109. Black Tower
110. White Treehollow_ Entrance
111. White Treehollow
112. Tympole Choir
113. Route 22 (Autumn_Winter)
114. Pokédex Habitat List Complete!
115. Medal Rally Complete!
116. Battle! (Champion Iris)
117. Staff Credits
118. The End
119. Musical_ Charming Munna
120. Musical_ Pokémon Party!
121. Musical_ Carnival Pokémon
122. Musical_ Meloettaaa!!!
123. Pokémon World Championships Fina
124. Relic Song
125. Title Screen (Pokémon Emerald)
126. Match Call
127. Abnormal Weather
128. Rayquaza Appears!
129. Battle Frontier (Hoenn Version)
130. Battle Tower (Hoenn Version)
131. Battle Factory (Hoenn Version)
132. Battle Arena
133. Battle Dome
134. Battle Pike
135. Battle Palace
136. Battle Pyramid
137. Battle Pyramid Summit
138. Received Battle Points! (Hoenn V
139. Battle! (Frontier Brain—Hoenn Ve
140. Battle Symbol Received!
141. Battle! (Mew)
142. Title Screen (Pokémon Platinum)
143. Press Start
144. Special Program_ _Let's Ask Prof
145. Looker's Theme
146. Global Terminal
147. Wi-Fi Plaza
148. Wi-Fi Plaza_ Mini-Games
149. Cleared Wobbuffet Pop!
150. Wi-Fi Plaza_ Parade
151. Giratina Appears!
152. Giratina Appears! Part 2
153. Distortion World
154. Battle! (Giratina)
155. Spin Trade
156. Mystery Gift (Pokémon Platinum)
157. Super Contest_ Cuteness
158. Super Contest_ Coolness
159. Super Contest_ Toughness
160. Super Contest_ Beauty
161. Super Content_ Smartness
162. Villa Music Box_ Twinleaf Tune
163. Villa Audio System_ Bossa Nova L
164. Fight Area (Battle Frontier)
165. Battle Arcade
166. Received BP in the Battle Arcade
167. Battle Hall
168. Battle Factory (Sinnoh Version)
169. Battle Castle
170. Received Castle Points!
171. Received Battle Points! (Sinnoh
172. Battle! (Frontier Brain—Sinnoh V
173. Victory! (Frontier Brain—Sinnoh