포켓몬스터 오메가루비 · 알파사파이어 ost (Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Super Music Collection)
001. Opening Movie_ Setting out on a Journey in the Hoenn Region
002. Opening Movie 2
003. Title Screen_ Main Theme
004. Introductions
005. Littleroot Town
006. Birch Pokémon Lab
007. May
008. H-Help Me!
009. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
010. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)
011. Route 101
012. Oldale Town
013. Obtained an Item!
014. Hurry Along
015. Pokémon Center
016. Pokémon Healed
017. Trainers' eyes Meet (Youngster)
018. Pokédex Evaluation... Getting Started!
019. Trainers' eyes Meet (Lass)
020. Battle! (Trainer Battle)
021. Victory! (Trainer Battle)
022. Level Up!
023. Petalburg City
024. Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Your Way!
025. Wally's Theme
026. Route 104
027. Petalburg Woods
028. Team Magma Appears!
029. Battle! (Team Aqua _ Team Magma)
030. Victory! (Team Aqua _ Team Magma)
031. Rustboro City
032. Trainers' School
033. Obtained a Key Item!
034. Crossing the Sea
035. Dewford Town
036. Trainers' eyes Meet (Tuber♀)
037. Pokédex Evaluation... Keep at It!
038. Slateport City
039. Oceanic Museum
040. Leader's Theme (Team Aqua _ Team Magma)
041. Route 110
042. Cycling
043. Trainers' eyes Meet (Triathlete)
044. Verdanturf Town
045. Received a Pokémon Egg!
046. Route 113
047. Trainers' eyes Meet (Twins)
048. Fallarbor Town
049. Cable Car
050. Mt. Chimney
051. Trainers' eyes Meet (Hiker)
052. Route 111
053. Pokédex Evaluation... Not Bad!
054. Pokémon Gym
055. Battle! (Gym Leader)
056. Victory! (Gym Leader _ Elite Four)
057. Obtained a Badge!
058. Obtained a Tm!
059. A Path We All Must Walk
060. Surf
061. Hold on Tight!
062. Southern Island
063. Obtained a Mega Stone!
064. Route 119
065. Explosive Encounters! Red and Blue
066. Fortree City
067. Route 120
068. Interviewers
069. Safari Zone
070. Pokédex Evaluation... Looking Good!
071. Trainers' eyes Meet (Gentleman)
072. Lilycove City
073. Museum
074. Move Deleted
075. Brendan
076. Battle! (Brendan _ May)
077. Evolution
078. Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved!
079. Poké Mart
080. Pokédex Evaluation... Amazing!
081. Mt. Pyre
082. Trainers' eyes Meet (Psychic)
083. Trainers' eyes Meet (Hex Maniac)
084. Mt. Pyre Exterior
085. Red Orb _ Blue Orb
086. The Slitherers
087. Hideout
088. Five Furious Strikes!
089. Countdown to Destruction
090. Dive
091. Trainers' eyes Meet (Scuba Diver)
092. Team Aqua Appears!
093. Battle! (Team Aqua _ Team Magma Leaders)
094. The Super-Ancient Pokémon Awaken!
095. Drought
096. Heavy Rain
097. Sootopolis City
098. Cave of Origin
099. Battle! (Primal Reversion)
100. Coexistence
101. The Eon Flute
102. Soaring Dreams
103. Soaring Illusions
104. Trainers' eyes Meet (Swimmer♀)
105. Ever Grande City
106. Victory Road
107. Trainers' eyes Meet (Ace Trainer)
108. Rival's Theme
109. The Elite Four Appear!
110. Battle! (Elite Four)
111. Champion Steven
112. Battle! (Steven)
113. Victory! (Steven)
114. Room of Glory
115. The Hall of Fame
116. Let's Go Home
117. Ending Theme
118. The End
119. The Heirs to Eternity
120. Azoth
121. Sky Pillar
122. The Lament of Falling Stars
123. Battle! (Super-Ancient Pokémon)
124. Battle! (Lorekeeper Zinnia)
125. Per Aspera Ad Astra
126. Battle! (Deoxys)
127. Strains of a New Beginning -Theme of Ωrαs-
128. Pokédex Evaluation... Fantastic!
129. Obtained a Berry!
130. Contest Lobby
131. Lisia's Theme
132. Contest Costume Time!
133. Pokémon Contest Spectacular_ Introductions!
134. Pokémon Contest Spectacular_ Appeals!
135. Results
136. Contest Victor
137. Reached a New Contest Rank!
138. Trick House
139. Super-Secret Bases
140. Obtained Decorations!
141. Team Rank Increased!
142. Trainers' eyes Meet (Poké Fan)
143. Trainers' eyes Meet (Street Thug)
144. Sea Mauville
145. Sealed Chamber
146. Battle! (Regirock _ Regice _ Registeel)
147. Pokémon Link
148. Time Travel Award
149. Pokédex Evaluation... Complete!
150. Battle Resort
151. Battle Maison
152. Obtained Bp!
153. Battle! (Battle Chatelaine)
154. Happy Birthday from the Pokémon Center!
155. Victory! (World Champion)
156. Battle! (Deoxys)
157. Battle! (Frontier Brain)
158. Carnival Ludicolo Musical!
159. Trick Master ~Tricky Remix!~
160. Appeal☆Love