포켓몬스터 X · Y ost (Pokémon X and Y Super Music Collection)
CD 1
01. Title Screen
02. Opening Movie
03. Kalos Region Theme
04. An Adventure Is Beginning
05. Vaniville Town
06. Route 1
07. Aquacorde Town
08. Friends Theme ''a New Meeting''
09. Obtained a Key Item!
10. It's a Pokémon Battle!
11. Battle (Friend)
12. Hurry Along 1
13. Route 2
14. Santalune Forest
15. Obtained an Item!
16. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
17. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)
18. Level Up!
19. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Youngster)
20. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Lass)
21. Battle! (Trainer Battle)
22. Victory! (Trainer Battle)
23. Santalune City
24. Pokémon Center
25. Pokémon Healed
26. Changed into Basic Clothes (Boy)
27. Changed into Basic Clothes (Girl)
28. Pokémon Gym
29. Battle! (Gym Leader)
30. Victory! (Gym Leader)
31. Obtained a Gym Badge!
32. Obtained a TM!
33. Route 4
34. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Poké Fan)
35. Sina and Dexio
36. Gate
37. Lumiose City
38. The Sycamore Pokémon Lab
39. Professor Sycamore's Theme
40. Pokédex Evaluation... You've Just Begun!
41. Dark Skies
42. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Twins)
43. Camphrier Town
44. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Tourist)
45. Parfum Palace
46. Together with Shauna
47. Poké Flute
48. Hurry Along 2
49. Received a Pokémon Egg!
50. Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Your Way!
51. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Butler)
52. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Maid)
53. Route 8
CD 2
01. Glittering Cave
02. Team Flare Appears!
03. Evolution
04. Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved!
05. Eyes Meet (Swimmer♀)
06. Cyllage City
07. Changed into Colorful Clothes (Boy)
08. Changed into Sporty Clothes (Girl)
09. Bicycle
10. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hiker)
11. Obtained a Berry!
12. Geosenge Town
13. Pokédex Evaluation... Keep at It!
14. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Honeymooners)
15. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Black Belt)
16. Shalour City
17. Tower of Mastery
18. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Roller Skater)
19. Battle! (Successor Korrina)
20. Surf
21. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Swimmer♂)
22. Riding Skiddo
23. Coumarine City
24. How about a Song ''An Unwavering Heart''
25. The Kalos Power Plant
26. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Flare)
27. Battle! (Team Flare)
28. A Mysterious Figure
29. The Lighting of Prism Tower
30. Quiz Time in the Lumiose City Gym!
31. Friends Theme ''Reunited''
32. Pokédex Evaluation... Not Bad!
33. Scary House
34. Laverre City
35. Changed into Exotic Clothes (Girl)
36. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Furisode Girl)
37. Route 15
38. Pokédex Evaluation... Looking Good!
39. Dendemille Town
40. Move Deleted
41. Obtained a Mega Stone!
CD 3
01. Anistar City
02. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Psychic)
03. Changed into Feminine Clothes (Girl)
04. Lysandre Labs
05. An Eternal Prison
06. The Ultimate Weapon Deployed
07. Team Flare Secret HQ
08. The Legendary Pokemon Awoken
09. Battle! (Xerneas,Yveltal)
10. Battle! (Lysandre)
11. Victory! (Team Flare)
12. Firing the Ultimate Weapon (Pokémon X)
13. Firing the Ultimate Weapon (Pokémon Y)
14. Az
15. Route 18
16. Friends Theme ''Friends Forever''
17. Snowbelle City
18. Changed into Elegant Clothes (Girl)
19. How About a Song ''Jubilife City''
20. Pokémon Village
21. Pokédex Evaluation... It's Great!
22. Victory Road
23. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Ace Trainer)
24. The Pokémon League
25. Battle! (Elite Four)
26. Battle! (Champion)
27. Victory! (Champion)
28. Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
29. The Sun Shines Down
30. I'll Go With You
31. Kiseki
32. Fin
CD 4
01. The TMV Departs
02. Kiloude City
03. Changed into Special Clothes (Boy)
04. Changed into Special Clothes (Girl)
05. Battle Maison
06. Received Battle Points!
07. Friend Safari
08. Pokédex Evaluation... It's Amazing!
09. Gogoat Shuttle
10. Obtained Wallpapers!
11. Shopping
12. Sushi High Roller
13. Boutique
14. Changed into Classic Clothes (Boy)
15. Changed into Classic Clothes (Girl)
16. Shota Kageyama - Coiffure Clips
17. Pr Video Studio
18. Pr Video BGM ''Cute 1''
19. Pr Video BGM ''Cute 2''
20. Pr Video BGM ''Cute 3''
21. Pr Video BGM ''Cute 4''
22. Pr Video BGM ''Elegant 1''
23. Pr Video BGM ''Elegant 2''
24. Pr Video BGM ''Elegant 3''
25. Pr Video BGM ''Elegant 4''
26. Pr Video BGM ''Cool 1''
27. Pr Video BGM ''Cool 2''
28. Pr Video BGM ''Cool 3''
29. Pr Video BGM ''Cool 4''
30. Pr Video BGM ''Classical 1''
31. Pr Video BGM ''Classical 2''
32. Pr Video BGM ''Classical 3''
33. Pr Video BGM ''Classical 4''
34. Pr Video BGM ''Lively 1''
35. Pr Video BGM ''Lively 2''
36. Pr Video BGM ''Lively 3''
37. Pr Video BGM ''Lively 4''
38. Pr Video BGM ''Rhythmical 1''
39. Pr Video BGM ''Rhythmical 2''
40. Pr Video BGM ''Rhythmical 3''
41. Pr Video BGM ''Rhythmical 4''
42. Pr Video BGM ''Mature 1''
43. Pr Video BGM ''Mature 2''
44. Pr Video BGM ''Mature 3''
45. Pr Video BGM ''Mature 4''
46. Pr Video BGM ''Thrilling 1''
47. Pr Video BGM ''Thrilling 2''
48. Pr Video BGM ''Thrilling 3''
49. Pr Video BGM ''Thrilling 4''
50. Another Chapter in Looker's Tale
51. Looker's Theme
52. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Punk Guy)
53. Hotel Richissime
54. Looker's in Trouble!
55. Emma's Theme
56. Looker's Sorrowful Theme
57. Berry Picker
58. Head It
59. Tile Puzzle
60. Tile Puzzle Complete!
61. Let's Super Train!
62. Start
63. Super Training!
64. Success!
65. Try Again...
66. Unlocked a New Super-Training Regimen!
67. Secret Super Training!
68. A Poké Radar Hit!
69. Poké Radar Chain!
70. Battle Spot
71. Wonder Trade
72. GTS
73. Game Sync
74. Mystery Gift
75. Pokédex Evaluation... It's Complete!
76. Battle! (Mewtwo)
77. Title Screen
78. Title Screen (Pokémon Origins)
79. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
80. Battle! (Wild Pokémon) [Pokémon Origins Version]
81. Battle! (Trainer Battle)
82. Battle! (Trainer Battle) [Pokémon Origins Version]
83. Final Battle! (Rival)
84. Final Battle! (Rival) [Pokémon Origins Version]
85. Cycling
86. Cycling (Pokémon Origins Version)
PXY-1.53 PXY-2.41 PXY-3.32 PXY-4.86