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Music 36/Game40

완다와 거상 ost (Shadow of the Colossus Original Soundtrack) 완다와 거상 ost (Shadow of the Colossus Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Prologue ~ To the Ancient Land ~ 02. Prohibited Art 03. Commandment 04. Black Blood 05. Resurrection 06. Sign of the Colossus 07. Grotesque Figures ~Battle Theme~ 08. The Opened Way ~Battle Theme~ 09. The End of the Battle 10. Idol Collapse 11. Green Hills 12. A Violent Encounter ~Battle Theme~ 13. Revived Power ~Battle Theme~ 14. Lak.. 2021. 12. 16.
헤일로 인피니트 멀티플레이어 ost (Halo Infinite Multiplayer: A New Generation Original Soundtrack) 헤일로 인피니트 멀티플레이어 ost (Halo Infinite Multiplayer: A New Generation Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. What is a Spartan 02. The Precipice of Power 03. Forged in Fire 04. Taking Back What's Ours 05. Of Blood and Burden 06. No Greater Alliance 07. Heroes. Legends. Immortal 08. Though This be Madness 09. Augmented Realities 10. Between Collapse and Control 11. Echoes of Orion 12. Legacy of Generations ​ ​ HI.. 2021. 12. 13.
헤일로 인피니트 ost (Halo Infinite Original Soundtrack) 헤일로 인피니트 ost (Halo Infinite Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Zeta Halo 02. Sacrifice 03. The Banished 04. Gbraakon Escape 05. Escharum 06. Follow the Signal 07. Foundations 08. The Weapon 09. Know My Legend 10. Reverie 11. The Road 12. Echo-216 13. Ransom Keep 14. Tower 15. Through the Trees 16. Horn of Abolition 17. Excavation Site 18. Conservatory 19. Endless 20. Spire 21. Adjutant Resolution 22. Pe.. 2021. 12. 13.
웨이스트랜드 리마스터 ost (Wasteland Remastered Original Score) 웨이스트랜드 리마스터 ost (Wasteland Remastered Original Score) ​ 01. Wasteland Theme 02. War Erupts 03. Highpool 04. Desert 05. Agricultural Center 06. AK-97 07. Mine Shaft 08. Desert Nomads 09. Quartz 10. Needles 11. Thin Red Paste 12. Temple Of Blood 13. Savage Village 14. Las Vegas 15. Sleeper Base 16. Darwin 17. Mind Maze 18. Guardian Citadel 19. Base Cochise 20. Ranger Center ​ ​ W.20 2021. 12. 13.
웨이스트랜드 ost (Wasteland Original Score) 웨이스트랜드 ost (Wasteland Original Score) ​ 01. Main Theme 02. Highpool 03. Desert 04. Agricultural Center 05. Mine Shaft 06. Desert Nomads 07. Quartz 08. Needles 09. Temple of Blood 10. Las Vegas 11. Sleeper Base 12. Darwin 13. Mind Maze 14. Guardian Citadel 15. Base Cochise 16. Ranger Center ​ ​ W.16 2021. 12. 13.
몰락한 왕: 리그 오브 레전드 이야기 ost (Ruined King Original Soundtrack) 몰락한 왕: 리그 오브 레전드 이야기 ost (Ruined King Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Dark Clouds on the Horizon 02. King's Tragedy x Champions Call 03. The Queen of Bilgewater 04. Mountains of Boats and Houses 05. Truth Bearer 06. Uncertain Dread 07. Something Stirring in the Mist 08. Salt and Bile 09. The Blood Harbor Ripper 10. Hero of the Frejlord 11. Down on the Docks 12. Any Coin On Ya 13. Honor and Thieves 14.. 2021. 12. 8.
가디언즈 오브 갤럭시 ost (Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Original Video Game Soundtrack) 가디언즈 오브 갤럭시 ost (Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Original Video Game Soundtrack) ​ 01. Entering the Zone 02. We Got This, Probably 03. Busted 04. Family Reunion 05. The Cost of Freedom 06. The Monster Queen 07. Dweller in the Darkness 08. Your Bones Are Mine 09. Due or Die 10. Blood Brothers 11. Good People Never Really Die 12. Birthright 13. A Handy Way to Travel 14. Hala's Hope Revisited 15. .. 2021. 12. 8.
칼리굴라 2 ost (Caligula2 Original Soundtrack) 칼리굴라 2 ost (Caligula2 Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. 永遠の銀 02. オルターガーデン 03. スワップアウト 04. Q愛セニョリータ 05. Designed desires 06. 祈っているだけ 07. ミス・コンダクタ 08. ××××-××-×× 09. SINGI 10. コスモダンサー 11. Suicide Prototype 12. Distorted † Happiness 13. Orbit ​ CD 2 01. 永遠の銀 02. オルターガーデン 03. スワップアウト 04. Q愛セニョリータ 05. Designed desires 06. 祈っているだけ 07. ミス・コンダクタ 08. ××××-××-×× 09. SINGI 10. コスモダンサー ​ CD 3 01. 永遠の銀 ((Remix.. 2021. 12. 8.
월희 -A piece of blue glass moon- ost (TSUKIHIME -A piece of blue glass moon- Original Soundtrack) 월희 -A piece of blue glass moon- ost (TSUKIHIME -A piece of blue glass moon- Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. 月姫-re 02. なつのあお 03. 新生 04. 日向-re 05. 記録 06. 僕らの遠野邸 07. 感情-re 08. 当主様の優雅なひととき 09. 阿良句のテーマ(ハイ) 10. むかしむかし、あるところに 11. 灯火-re 12. 展望 13. 沁穢 14. 接近 15. アルクェイドのテーマ(月光) ​ CD 2 01. 生命線 -Game size- 02. 曖昧な話 03. 来訪 04. 病の鐘を聞け 05. 夜に歩く(リプライズ) 06. 調査は脚で 07. 地獄より 08. 今はもう遠く 09. 戦渦へ 10. ヴローヴ-Ⅰ 11. 魔眼解放 1.. 2021. 12. 2.
메기도 72 ost (MEGIDO72 Music Collection) 메기도 72 ost (MEGIDO72 Music Collection) ​ 01. 「おいしい」のレシピ 02. Who is the Phantom thief 03. 筋肉Fire! 04. 変わった世界へ、ひとりごと。 05. みんなで一緒に 06. 惡ノ流儀 厄災ノ調 07. メギドナイトフィーバー 08. フォカロル教官の戦術指南道場 09. 誓う言葉 10. 絶対無敵☆KAWAIIIIガール 11. My journey 12. 未踏地の冒険 13. 闊歩する残党 14. 少女と狂獣 15. 破滅の使徒 16. 古き悪友 17. 無垢なる創生児 18. Is there our mind 19. 隠遁せし長者 20. 死生の彼岸 21. 魔王逆鱗 22. 真なる王への標 23. 陽炎の足跡 24. 意思を継ぐ72柱 25. 調停者 26. 龍虎激突 27. 神は我が力.. 2021. 12. 2.
다크 픽쳐스 앤솔로지 3부: 하우스 오브 애쉬 ost (The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes Original Soundtrack) 다크 픽쳐스 앤솔로지 3부: 하우스 오브 애쉬 ost (The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Eclipse 02. Semper Fi 03. Weapons of Mass Destruction 04. The Sword and the Shield 05. Rachel 06. Bloodbath 07. Assault 08. The Ancient One 09. City 10. Strange Aeons 11. Cocoons 12. Into the Light ​ ​ DPAHA.12 2021. 11. 26.
진 여신전생 5 ost (Shin Megami Tensei V Original Soundtrack) 진 여신전생 5 ost (Shin Megami Tensei V Original Soundtrack) ​ CD 1 01. Demo ~ Title ~ Dream (Shin Megami Tensei) 02. Ruins ~ Battle (Shin Megami Tensei) 03. Ending (Shin Megami Tensei) 04. Title Demo ~ Law ~ Battle (Shin Megami Tensei II) 05. Recovered Memory ~ 3D- Netherworld ~ Big Boss Battle (Shin Megami Tensei II) 06. Karukozaka High School Anthem ~ Archrival (Akira Chapter) (Shin Megami Tensei .. 2021. 11. 23.