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Music 36/Game40

데스 스트랜딩 ost 2 (Death Stranding Original Score Volume 2) 데스 스트랜딩 ost 2 (Death Stranding Original Score Volume 2) ​ 01. Highways 02. Car Go Fast 03. Truckin' 04. Over the Threshold 05. UCA Pacific Highway 46 06. Pizza Time 07. The Big Sneak 08. Dredge 09. Scourge 10. Gazer 11. Catcher 12. Whale 13. Tryouts 14. Factory 15. Vane 16. Haven 17. Touch 18. Stars 19. Calling 20. Strata 21. Bending to the Wind 22. The Strands of Time 23. Craters 24. Shelter 25.. 2021. 11. 8.
파 크라이 6 ost (Far Cry 6 Original Game Soundtrack Complete Music) 파 크라이 6 ost (Far Cry 6 Original Game Soundtrack Complete Music) ​ 01. Libertad 02. El Presidente 03. You're in the West Now 04. '67 05. The Sword and the Hero 06. Fields of Red 07. Guerrilla Paths 08. The Tourist 09. Our Land, Our Rights 10. A Walk with Pedro Torrero 11. The Montero Roots 12. The Guerrilla 13. Family not Blood 14. Madrugada 15. Justicia Montero 16. Viva Clara 17. The Lucky One 1.. 2021. 11. 3.
뉴 월드 ost (New World Original Soundtrack) 뉴 월드 ost (New World Original Soundtrack) ​ 01. Embark 02. A New World 03. Tides of War 04. The Angry Earth 05. Heart of Corruption 06. Homeland 07. Winds of Brightwood 08. Moon Sky 09. Old World Memories 10. The Tempest 11. Starlight Landmarks 12. Conquest 13. Lost Lament 14. Homeward Bound 15. Invasion 16. Miracle of Azoth 17. Solemn Omens 18. Emerald Garden 19. Bold Wanderers 20. Ancient Guard.. 2021. 11. 3.
배틀필드 2042 ost (Battlefield 2042 Official Soundtrack) 배틀필드 2042 ost (Battlefield 2042 Official Soundtrack) ​ 01. Orbital 02. The Observation of Beautiful Forms 03. Irreversible 04. Between the Bows 05. Wall Jazz 06. Load Bearing 07. When does a country stop being a country_ 08. 5 Degrees of Warming 09. Hauled Over the Coals 10. Wet Bulb 11. Hourglass 12. Shipping Forecast 13. Tipping Points 14. Battlefield 2042 ​ ​ 파일 이름 : B2042.14 2021. 10. 28.