포켓몬스터 썬 · 문 ost (Pokémon Sun and Moon Super Music Collection)
CD 1
01. Title
02. An Adventure Is Beginning
03. Alola Region Theme
04. Escape!
05. Waking Up
06. My Home
07. Professor Kukui's Theme
08. Route 1 on Melemele Island
09. Iki Town (Day)
10. Iki Town (Night)
11. Mahalo Trail
12. On the Bridge...
13. A Tapu Appears!
14. Lillie's Theme
15. Caught a Pokémon!
16. Obtained an Item!
17. Hau's Theme
18. Battle! (Hau)
19. Obtained a Key Item!
20. Good Night
21. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
22. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)
23. The Festival in Iki Town
24. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Trainer)
25. Battle! (Trainer)
26. Victory! (Trainer)
27. Level Up!
28. The Pokémon Research Lab
29. The Pokémon Center
30. Recovery
31. Have a Break at the Café
32. Received Poké Beans!
33. Festival Plaza (Day)
34. Festival Plaza (Night)
35. Level Up at Festival Plaza
36. A New Shop Is Open at Festival Plaza!
37. Fortune-Telling at Festival Plaza
38. Trade
39. A Mission at Festival Plaza
40. Festival Plaza Mission Results
41. Festival Plaza Mission Complete!
42. Festival Plaza Mission Failed...
43. Trainers' School
44. Obtained a TM!
45. Hau'oli City (Day)
46. Hau'oli City (Night)
47. Hurry Along
48. Poké Finder Updated!
49. Salon
50. Apparel Shop
51. Malasada Shop
52. Evolution
53. Evolution (Alola)
54. Ferry Terminal
CD 2
01. Route 2 on Melemele Island
02. Team Skull Appears!
03. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Skull)
04. Battle! (Team Skull)
05. Victory! (Team Skull)
06. Verdant Cavern ~A Trial Site~
07. A Captain's Trial Begins!
08. A Totem Pokémon Appears!
09. Battle! (Totem Pokémon)
10. Victory! (Totem Pokémon)
11. Obtained a Z-Crystal!
12. Seaward Cave
13. Island Kahuna's Theme
14. Battle! (Island Kahuna)
15. Victory! (Island Kahuna)
16. Registered a Ride Pokémon!
17. Ride Pokémon (Land)
18. Ten Carat Hill
19. On the Ship
20. Heahea City (Day)
21. Heahea City (Night)
22. Route 4 on Akala Island
23. Paniola City (Day)
24. Paniola City (Night)
25. Paniola Ranch
26. Gladion's Theme
27. Battle! (Gladion)
28. Ride Pokémon (Aquatic)
29. Royal Avenue
30. Thrifty Megamart
31. Battle Royale Dome
32. Battle! (Battle Royale)
33. Battle Royale Results
34. Kiawe's Trial
35. Mallow's Trial
36. Poké Pelago (Day)
37. Poké Pelago (Night)
38. Poké Pelago Renovations Complete!
39. Burnet's Lab
CD 3
01. Konikoni City (Day)
02. Konikoni City (Night)
03. Battle! (Team Skull Admin)
04. Aether Paradise
05. An Encounter
06. Lusamine's Theme
07. The Entrance to Another World
08. Ultra Beasts...
09. Battle! (Ultra Beast)
10. Malie City (Day)
11. Malie City (Night)
12. Route 10 on Ula'ula Island
13. Guzma's Theme
14. Battle! (Team Skull Boss)
15. Aether House
16. Acerola's Trial
17. Haina Desert
18. Po Town
19. Found a Z-Crystal!
20. Nanu's Theme
21. Infiltration
22. The Secret Side of Aether Paradise
23. Trainers' Eyes Meet (Aether Foundation)
24. Battle! (Aether Foundation)
25. Aether Paradise Labs
26. Unsettling Atmosphere
27. There's Trouble!
28. A Crisis in Alola
29. Battle! (Lusamine)
30. Lillie's Resolve
31. Lively Lillie!
32. Poké Finder Fully Updated!
33. Seafolk Village (Day)
34. Seafolk Village (Night)
35. Anceint Poni Path
36. The Protecter of the Island
37. Vast Poni Canyon
38. To the Altar...
39. Solgaleo - Lunala Appears!
40. Let's Go to Ultra Space!
CD 4
01. Ultra Space
02. Lusamine's Madness
03. Steely Lillie!
04. Lusamine's Revenge
05. Showdown! (Lusamine)
06. Victory! (Aether Foundation)
07. A World Falls Apart
08. Mother and Daughter
09. Battle! (Solgaleo - Lunala
10. Lonely Lillie
11. The Battle Tree
12. Blue's Theme
13. Battle! (Battle Tree Boss)
14. The Path to the League
15. The Summit of Mount Lanakila
16. The Pokémon League
17. Battle! (Elite Four)
18. The Battle at the Summit!
19. A Champion Is Born!
20. Hall of Fame
21. Battle! (Tapu)
22. Gester's Lesson
23. The Zygarde Cube
24. Someday...
25. Welcome Back
26. Staff Credits
27. The End
28. Special Demo Version Movies
29. Logo (Pokémon Sun)
30. Logo (Pokémon Moon)
31. Title Screen ~Z-Ring Synchronized Version~
32. Alola Region Theme ~Z-Ring Synchronized Version~
33. The Pokémon Center ~Z-Ring Synchronized Version~
34. Battle! (Wild Pokémon) ~Z-Ring Synchronized Version~
35. Battle! (Trainer) ~Z-Ring Synchronized Version~
36. Battle! (Team Skull) ~Z-Ring Synchronized Version~
PSM-1.54 PSM-2.39 PSM-3.40 PSM-4.36