포켓몬스터 레츠고! 피카츄 · 레츠고! 이브이 ost (Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Super Music Collection)
CD 1
01. Into the Game Let's Go!
02. Choose Your Language
03. Title Screen
04. Pallet Town Theme
05. Professor Oak
06. Guide
07. Professor Oak's Laboratory
08. Caught a Pokemon!
09. Road to Viridian City - From Pallet Town
10. Picked up an Item!
11. Pokemon Center
12. Pokemon Healed
13. A Trainer Appears (Boy's Version)
14. Battle! (Trainer Battle)
15. Victory! (Trainer Battle)
16. Pokedex Evaluation - You're on Your Way!
17. Viridian Forest
18. Catch! (Wild Pokemon)
19. Successful Catch! (Wild Pokemon)
20. Level Up!
21. A Trainer Appears! (Girl's Version)
22. Pewter City Theme
23. Pokemon Gym
24. Battle! (Gym Leader)
25. Victory! (Gym Leader)
26. Obtained a Gym Badge!
27. Blue's Theme
28. Road to Cerulean City - From Mt. Moon
29. Jigglypuff's Song
30. Caves of Mt. Moon
31. A Trainer Appears! (Bad Guys)
32. Theme of Jessie and James
33. Evolution
34. Congratulations! Your Pokemon Evolved!
35. Cerulean City Theme
36. To Bill's - From Cerulean City
37. Vermillion City Theme
38. The S.S. Anne
39. Road to Lavender Town - From Vermillion City
CD 2
01. Lavender Town Theme
02. Pokemon Tower
03. Celadon City Theme
04. Game Corner
05. Team Rocket Hideout
06. Obtained a Key Item!
07. Cubone's Mother
08. The Poke Flute
09. Battle! (Wild Pokemon)
10. Caught a Pokemon! (Short Version)
11. Pokemon Road
12. GO Park
13. Catch! (GO Park)
14. Caught a Pokemon! (GO Park)
15. Silph Co.
16. The Sea
17. Cinnabar Island Theme
18. Pokemon Mansion
19. The Final Road
20. Final Battle! (Rival)
21. Hall of Fame
22. Congratulations!
23. Ending Theme
24. We're Back
25. Connection
26. Mystery Gift
27. Battle! (Master Trainer Battle)
CD 3
01. Opening Movie
02. Title Screen (Pokemon Yellow)
03. Pallet Town Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
04. Professor Oak (Pokemon Yellow)
05. Professor Oak's Laboratory (Pokemon Yellow)
06. A Rival Appears
07. Road to Viridian City - From Pallet Town (Pokemon Yellow)
08. Picked up an Item! (Pokemon Yellow)
09. Battle! (Wild Pokemon) (Pokemon Yellow)
10. Victory! (Wild Pokemon) (Pokemon Yellow)
11. Obtained a Pokemon!
12. Pokemon Center (Pokemon Yellow)
13. Pokemon Healed (Pokemon Yellow)
14. Pokedex Evaluation - You're On Your Way! (Pokemon Yellow)
15. Viridian Forest (Pokemon Yellow)
16. Pewter City Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
17. Guide (Pokemon Yellow)
18. A Trainer Appears (Girl Version) (Pokemon Yellow)
19. Battle! (Trainer Battle) (Pokemon Yellow)
20. Victory! (Trainer Battle) (Pokemon Yellow)
21. Level Up! (Pokemon Yellow)
22. Caves of Mt. Moon (Pokemon Yellow)
23. Theme of Jessie and James (Pokemon Yellow)
24. Road to Cerulean City - From Mt. Moon (Pokemon Yellow)
25. Cerulean City Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
26. Pokemon Gym (Pokemon Yellow)
27. Battle! (Gym Leader) (Pokemon Yellow)
28. Victory! (Gym Leader) (Pokemon Yellow)
29. To Bill's - From Cerulean City (Pokemon Yellow)
30. Jigglypuff's Song (Pokemon Yellow)
31. Vermillion City Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
32. The S.S. Anne (Pokemon Yellow)
33. Road to Lavender Town - From Vermillion City (Pokemon Yellow)
34. A Trainer Appears (Boy Version) (Pokemon Yellow)
35. Cycling (Pokemon Yellow)
36. Lavender Town Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
37. Pokemon Tower (Pokemon Yellow)
38. Celadon City Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
39. Game Corner (Pokemon Yellow)
40. A Trainer Appears! (Bad Guy) (Pokemon Yellow)
41. Team Rocket Hideout! (Pokemon Yellow)
42. Obtained a Key Item (Pokemon Yellow)
43. The Poke Flute (Pokemon Yellow)
44. Silph Co. (Pokemon Yellow)
45. The Sea (Pokemon Yellow)
46. Pikachu's Beach (Pokemon Yellow)
47. Pikachu's Beach (Results) (Pokemon Yellow)
48. Connection (Pokemon Yellow)
49. Cinnabar Island Theme (Pokemon Yellow)
50. Pokemon Mansion (Pokemon Yellow)
51. Evolution (Pokemon Yellow)
52. Congratulations! Your Pokemon Evolved! (Pokemon Yellow)
53. The Final Road (Pokemon Yellow)
54. Final Battle! (Rival) (Pokemon Yellow)
55. Hall of Fame (Pokemon Yellow)
56. Ending Theme (Pokemon Yellow)