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Music 40159

극장판 포켓몬스터: 뮤츠의 역습 ost (Pokémon The First Movie Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture) 극장판 포켓몬스터: 뮤츠의 역습 ost (Pokémon The First Movie Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture)​01. Pokemon Theme02. Don't Say You Love Me03. It Was You04. We're A Miracle05. Soda Pop06. Somewhere Someday07. Get Happy08. (Hey You) Free Up Your Mind09. Fly With Me10. Lullaby11. Vacation12. Makin' My Way (Any Way That I Can)13. Catch Me If You Can14. (Have Some) Fun With The Funk15. If Only Tears Co.. 2024. 12. 14.
포켓몬스터 뮤츠의 탄생 ost (Pokémon Sound Picture Box Mewtwo's Birth) 포켓몬스터 뮤츠의 탄생 ost (Pokémon Sound Picture Box Mewtwo's Birth)​CD 101. 第1話「幻の「ミュウ」」02. 第2話「ミュウツーの誕生」03. 第3話「ミュウツーとアイ」04. 第4話「世界最強のポケモン」05. 第5話「ミュウツーの逆襲」​CD 201. 幻の「ミュウ」02. ミュウツーの目覚め03. 強者のミュウツー04. 逆襲のはじまり05. めざせポケモンマスター’98(松本梨香)06. ピカチュウあきらめないニャ07. FLYINGカイリュー08. メッセンジャー09. 嵐の予兆10. ポケモン城へ出発!11. 嵐の海を12. ポケモン城13. ロケット団につきまとう影14. ミュウツー登場15. コピーポケモン目覚める!16. 対決!本物対コピーポケモン17. 乱れ飛ぶモンスターボール18. 危うし!ピカチュウ!19.. 2024. 12. 14.
포켓몬스터 송 베스트 컬렉션 ost (Everyone's Elected Pokémon Song Best Collection) 포켓몬스터 송 베스트 컬렉션 ost (Everyone's Elected Pokémon Song Best Collection)​01. めざせポケモンマスター02. なつやすみファンクラブ03. ひゃくごうじゅういち04. ポケモンかけるかな?05. ロケット団よ永遠に06. ポケモン言えるかな?07. うたうポケモン図鑑_ノーマルポケモンPart108. とりかえっこプリーズ09. ピカピカまっさいチュウ10. ニャースのうた11. 風といっしょに12. めざせポケモンマスター '9813. ポケモン言えるかな baby?​​EEPSBC.13 2024. 12. 14.
포켓몬스터 ost (Pokémon Sound Anime Collection) 포켓몬스터 ost (Pokémon Sound Anime Collection)​01. めざせポケモンマスター02. CHAPTER.1 ポケモン!君に決めた!~ポケモン君に決めた!03. CHAPTER.2 冒険が始まる!~旅立ち04. 同~自転車でゴー!05. 同~サントアンヌ号06. CHAPTER.3 仲間たち~ピカチュウ登場07. 同~幻のポケモン08. 同~ポケモン!ゲットだぜ!09. CHAPTER.4 ポケモン大好き!~ポケモンホリデー10. 同~おそるべしコダック11. 同~ポケモンリーグ公認キャップ12. CHAPTER.5 謎と神秘~マサキの灯台13. 同~伝説14. 同~ロケット団ボスのテーマ15. CHAPTER.6 ロケット団参上!~ロケット団隠密作戦16. 同~トケット団七変化17. 同~なんだかんだと聞かれたら…18. CHAPTER.7 危険地帯.. 2024. 12. 14.
포켓몬스터 스칼렛 · 바이올렛 + 제로의 비보 ost (Nintendo Switch Pokémon Scarlet・Violet + The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 스칼렛 · 바이올렛 + 제로의 비보 ost (Nintendo Switch Pokémon Scarlet・Violet + The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Welcome to the Paldea region!02. Soar Through the Paldea Skies03. Home04. Cabo Poco05. Meetings06. Let's Try to Get Stronger!07. Battle! (Nemona)08. Obtained a Key Item! 09. Poco Path10. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)11. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)12. Obtained a Berry!13. .. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 소드 · 실드 + 익스팬션 패스 ost (Nintendo Switch Pokémon Sword・Shield + Expansion Pass Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 소드 · 실드 + 익스팬션 패스 ost (Nintendo Switch Pokémon Sword・Shield + Expansion Pass Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Title Screen02. Exhibition Match03. Postwick04. Hop's Theme05. Route 106. Wedgehurst07. Let's Have a Champion Time!08. Take a Break09. Battle! Hop10. Slumbering Weald11. In the Fog12. Obtained an Item!13. Pokémon Laboratory14. Sonia's Theme15. Obtained a Key Item!16. Pokémon Center1.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 레츠고! 피카츄 · 레츠고! 이브이 ost (Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 레츠고! 피카츄 · 레츠고! 이브이 ost (Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Into the Game Let's Go!02. Choose Your Language03. Title Screen04. Pallet Town Theme05. Professor Oak06. Guide07. Professor Oak's Laboratory08. Caught a Pokemon!09. Road to Viridian City - From Pallet Town10. Picked up an Item!11. Pokemon Center12. Pokemon Healed13. A Trainer Appears (B.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 썬 · 문 ost (Pokémon Sun and Moon Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 썬 · 문 ost (Pokémon Sun and Moon Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Title02. An Adventure Is Beginning03. Alola Region Theme04. Escape!05. Waking Up06. My Home07. Professor Kukui's Theme08. Route 1 on Melemele Island09. Iki Town (Day)10. Iki Town (Night)11. Mahalo Trail12. On the Bridge...13. A Tapu Appears!14. Lillie's Theme15. Caught a Pokémon!16. Obtained an Item!17. Hau's Theme18. Battle! .. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 오메가루비 · 알파사파이어 ost (Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 오메가루비 · 알파사파이어 ost (Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Super Music Collection)​001. Opening Movie_ Setting out on a Journey in the Hoenn Region002. Opening Movie 2003. Title Screen_ Main Theme004. Introductions005. Littleroot Town006. Birch Pokémon Lab007. May008. H-Help Me!009. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)010. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)011. Route 101012. Oldale Town013. Obtained an Item!014... 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 X · Y ost (Pokémon X and Y Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 X · Y ost (Pokémon X and Y Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Title Screen02. Opening Movie03. Kalos Region Theme04. An Adventure Is Beginning05. Vaniville Town06. Route 107. Aquacorde Town08. Friends Theme ''a New Meeting''09. Obtained a Key Item!10. It's a Pokémon Battle!11. Battle (Friend)12. Hurry Along 113. Route 214. Santalune Forest15. Obtained an Item!16. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)17. Vic.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 블랙 2 · 화이트 2 ost (Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 블랙 2 · 화이트 2 ost (Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Super Music Collection)​001. Opening002. Title Screen003. An Adventure Is Beginning004. Aspertia City005. Bianca's Theme006. Route 19 (Spring_Summer)007. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)008. Floccesy Town009. Floccesy Ranch010. Rival's Theme011. Battle! (Rival)012. Virbank City013. Virbank City Gym (Performed by Ko014. Team Plasma Returns015. Pokéstar St.. 2024. 12. 12.
포켓몬스터 블랙 · 화이트 ost (Pokémon Black and White Super Music Collection) 포켓몬스터 블랙 · 화이트 ost (Pokémon Black and White Super Music Collection)​CD 101. Ou ni natta hi02. A New Adventure!03. Title04. Iza, bouken e!05. Hajimari hi06. Kanoko Town07. Sentou! Cheren - Bel08. Tsurete iku 109. Araragi-hakase10. Pokemon kenkyuujo11. Taisetsu na dougu wo moratta!12. Issho ni ikou!13. 1ban douro14. Sentou! Yasei Pokemon15. Yasei Pokemon ni shouri!16. Level Up!17. Karakusa Town18... 2024. 12. 12.